Many things

Tomorrow the King’s Lynn Asperger Support Society (KLASS) has it’s May meeting (6PM – 8PM) at the Community Hub of King’s Lynn Town FC, before reverting to our regular first Monday of the month 6PM-8PM at the Hub – next meeting after tomorrow will be June 3rd and then July 1st. There are at least three possibilities of new people attending, as well as the regulars.

I have a veritable gallery of new photos which I will be using over the next few blogs because yesterday I walked to the Hardwick Sainsburys from Nelson Street where I had been doing some watering and today after the same I took a circular walk starting along the Broadwalk, continuing out as far as Lynnsport and returning to the Town Centre by walking along the length of Bawsey Drain.
James & Sons continues to go extremely well. You will notice from one of my photos that we recently had an unusual visitor to shop!

Joe Root continues to score colossally this season, his last four scores being 49, 182, 236 and 170no in his current knock for the Lions against New Zealand.

Here is my first selection of recently taken photos…..

Unusual Visitor to James & Sons Butterfly Moorhen

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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