It’s official … this government SUPPORT domestic violence!

Another demonstration of just how callous and uncaring this filthy government of ours is…

The lovely wibbly wobbly old lady

Reposted from Inside Housing

Domestic violence victim loses High Court bedroom tax case.

A mother living in a domestic abuse ‘sanctuary scheme’ has lost her landmark challenge against the bedroom tax, in a blow to similar services across the country.

Claimant ‘A’ – whose identity is protected – lives in a property which has a special ‘panic space’ installed by the council.

The woman had her housing benefit deducted because the council considered her panic room to be a spare bedroom, although she has been receiving discretionary housing payment to cover the shortfall in her benefit.

She started High Court judicial review proceedings against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in May 2013, arguing that the bedroom tax is a discriminatory policy which will have severe consequences for her and her son.

In a judgement handed down on 29 January, which was summarised in a government bulletin on…

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Disabled sanctioned for 3 months over christmas and forced to attend the Jobcentre daily.

A story to really make the blood boil, from Seer Charlotte…

The poor side of life

Our demo yesterday was quiet but emotionally exhausting. We are hearing a lot of stories from people who are very obviously chronically ill. These people are all Ill and had sick notes from their doctors but the Jobcentre yet again are saying that these sick notes aren’t good enough. They are ignoring a lot of sick notes and in some cases loosing them and claiming that they didn’t exist. One lady who was obviously very ill and disabled has her money stopped for 3 months all over christmas. She was freezing cold because she didn’t have the money to put her heating on due to having pay as you go metres. She didn’t realise that she could get her housing benefit paid to her on a zero income basis either so she is now in debt to her landlord. She challenged her non payment and won but the job centre…

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Upcoming Events (and Some Cool Pics!)

A brief post. Although there have been a couple of late withdrawals there are still 14 confirmed participants in todays #SaveOurNHS action in King’s Lynn. Also it has had good publicity on twitter via @aspitweets, with the invaluable assistance of @kingslynnlive, @ask-pergers and @jorust45 – the latter of whom is one of the confirmed participants.

The other upcoming event is the March group meeting of the King’s Lynn Asperger Support Society (KLASS), which takes place this Monday at 6PM at the Lattice House on Chapel Street.

Now for those pics…

Here is our info sheet!
Here is our info sheet!
My ersatz mounting of the railway buttons.
My ersatz mounting of the railway buttons.

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Please take not if you catch buses from King's Lynn.
Please take not if you catch buses from King’s Lynn.


Teresa Pearce MP: My experience being a single mum

This is a superbly inspirational story…

Gingerbread's campaign blog

As part of our brand new campaign, General Election 2015: Single Parents Decidewe’ve asked MPs from the three main parties who have experience of single parent life to share their stories with us, we’re kicking off with  Teresa Pearce MPs story.

I am a very lucky woman. I have a well-paid job that I enjoy and two fantastic grown-up daughters.

But it was not always that way. I spent many years as a single parent juggling jobs and childcare and the constant worry of how it would all turn out.

When people see me now as an MP and learn that I was a single Mum who brought up two girls on her own they say “I don’t know how you did it!” Well, I will let you in on a secret; I don’t know how I did it, either. I think the reason that I managed to…

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James and Sons February Auction and NHS Action

The auction was a great success – for more detail and some images see the word document that I created about it yesterday. I also detected a good omen for the Great Centenary Charity Auction when a silver poppy commemorative coin sold for above estimate…

The  poppy coin (1)
The poppy coin (1)
The poppy coin (2)
The poppy coin (2)


And this is a jpg which will be the featured image.
And this is a jpg which will be the featured image.

Talking of commemorative coins, lot 640, the British public libraries 150th anniversary coin went to yours truly for £15. Lot 875 also fell to me for the same price, and combined well with a leaflet advertising the North Norfolk Railway for a composite image…

The coin imaged in a way not open to me until it was my property.
The coin imaged in a way not open to me until it was my property.
A public library montage featuring the only one of the public libraries I regularly use to have any architectural merit.
A public library montage featuring the only one of the public libraries I regularly use to have any architectural merit.


3 sunset shots taken through the windows of an X8 heading back from Fakenham
3 sunset shots taken through the windows of an X8 heading back from Fakenham

?????????? ??????????

North Norfolk Railway route map
North Norfolk Railway route map


Lot 875 - railway buttons
Lot 875 – railway buttons
A close up og one of the two British Railways buttons!
A close up og one of the two British Railways buttons!
"Railway Montage"
“Railway Montage”

I received my pack from 38 Degrees for tomorrow’s NHS action in King’s Lynn tomorrow. It came with yesterday’s post. The A2 window poster is on display above the High Street – a look up from directly outside Debenhams might catch it (here’s hoping). I end with some images from the auction room, none of which have yet featured in my personal twitter account…

This is a wall decoration in a Fakenham coffee shop.
This is a wall decoration in a Fakenham coffee shop.
The James and Sons banner.
The James and Sons banner.
The banner and the TV kindly lent to us by Hughes Electrical
The banner and the TV kindly lent to us by Hughes Electrical
Lot 782 set out for display.
Lot 782 set out for display.
James and Sons regular auction venues
James and Sons regular auction venues

?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????

All three of these tables were quite light and easy carry (even with the very small one having a full set of cutlery stored inside its top), and even better all three sold.
All three of these tables were quite light and easy carry (even with the very small one having a full set of cutlery stored inside its top), and even better all three sold.

?????????? ??????????

Some copper pots and a large coin cabinet
Some copper pots and a large coin cabinet
This warming pan failed to sell.
This warming pan failed to sell.
I am not sure as yet whether it was a museum or a dramatic group (for a production of Cinderella) but somebody bought this spinning wheel.
I am not sure as yet whether it was a museum or a dramatic group (for a production of Cinderella) but somebody bought this spinning wheel.
The display case full of medals is a regular sight at James and Sons events, but lot 4, an essay VC, was pleasingly unusual.
The display case full of medals is a regular sight at James and Sons events, but lot 4, an essay VC, was pleasingly unusual.
Yet more copper!
Yet more copper!
This very large quantity of very small cutlery did not sell (there six boxed sets as well as this newspaper wrapped one).
This very large quantity of very small cutlery did not sell (there six boxed sets as well as this newspaper wrapped one).
The James and Sons advertising board
The James and Sons advertising board
The Prince of Wales Suite at 5PM on Auction Day.
The Prince of Wales Suite at 5PM on Auction Day.

Fascism, natural, but not nice!

This is an excellent summary of Fascism

Van Rants

Fascism is, IMHO, rooted in a set of natural urges from our caveman past, urges which once, in our animal past, were necessary and vital, but in the modern world cause nothing but suffering and degradation to both its victims, and its perpetrators.
Fascism is the mindset of the hunting party. . . Think about it – when hunting, you;

Cannot have any compassion or empathy with you prey, or the hunt will fail, (Fascists have no empathy for their enemies)

Must quickly, violently and unquestioningly obey the leader, or the hunt will fail, (Fascists worship their leaders)

Must all act with unity of purpose, or the hunt will fail, (Marching, Flags, Uniforms. Fascists surrender their individuality to the cause)

Must relentlessly pursue the prey with bloodthirsty energy, or the hunt will fail, (Fascist language of threat and paranoia)

The prey must occupy your entire consciousness, or the hunt will…

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Rifkind firm awarded NHS contract despite charging £7 million more than NHS

This is an absolutely searing account of a scandal – it will make your blood boil!

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the Cameron government!)

The Cameron government has awarded an £80 million NHS contract to a private firm despite the company charging taxpayers £7 million more than an NHS consortium bidding against it:

Stoke NHS hospital scanning contract won by private firm

The government, however, hasn’t said why the firm – Alliance Medical Group – won the contract despite its bid being so much more expensive.

That’s because the bidding process was for some reason secret.

Ian Syme, co-ordinator of pressure group North Staffordshire, said of the awarding of the contract:

This whole process has been shrouded in secrecy. We don’t even know who – expert adviser or public representative – were on the panel.

This, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that a director of the firm is none other than disgraced ‘cash for access‘ Tory MP Malcolm Rifkind.


Please feel free to…

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Rifkind resigns, says being in pay of Chinese not relevant to being chair of intelligence committee

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

Rifkind has resigned as Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee.

In his resignation statement, Rifkind reckons that the fact he was prepared to be in the pay of the Chinese is not “relevant to my work as chairman of the intelligence and security committee”.


Anyway, here’s Rifkind’s bizarre resignation statement:

“None one of the current controversy with which I am associated is relevant to my work as chairman of the intelligence and security committee of parliament.

However, I have today informed my colleagues that while I will remain a member of the committee, I will step down from the chairmanship.

The committee is due to be dissolved in little over a month with the prorogation of parliament for the forthcoming general election. The main substantive work which needs to be completed will be the publication of our privacy and security report during March.

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