James and Sons February Auction and NHS Action

The auction was a great success – for more detail and some images see the word document that I created about it yesterday. I also detected a good omen for the Great Centenary Charity Auction when a silver poppy commemorative coin sold for above estimate…

The  poppy coin (1)
The poppy coin (1)
The poppy coin (2)
The poppy coin (2)


And this is a jpg which will be the featured image.
And this is a jpg which will be the featured image.

Talking of commemorative coins, lot 640, the British public libraries 150th anniversary coin went to yours truly for £15. Lot 875 also fell to me for the same price, and combined well with a leaflet advertising the North Norfolk Railway for a composite image…

The coin imaged in a way not open to me until it was my property.
The coin imaged in a way not open to me until it was my property.
A public library montage featuring the only one of the public libraries I regularly use to have any architectural merit.
A public library montage featuring the only one of the public libraries I regularly use to have any architectural merit.


3 sunset shots taken through the windows of an X8 heading back from Fakenham
3 sunset shots taken through the windows of an X8 heading back from Fakenham

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North Norfolk Railway route map
North Norfolk Railway route map


Lot 875 - railway buttons
Lot 875 – railway buttons
A close up og one of the two British Railways buttons!
A close up og one of the two British Railways buttons!
"Railway Montage"
“Railway Montage”

I received my pack from 38 Degrees for tomorrow’s NHS action in King’s Lynn tomorrow. It came with yesterday’s post. The A2 window poster is on display above the High Street – a look up from directly outside Debenhams might catch it (here’s hoping). I end with some images from the auction room, none of which have yet featured in my personal twitter account…

This is a wall decoration in a Fakenham coffee shop.
This is a wall decoration in a Fakenham coffee shop.
The James and Sons banner.
The James and Sons banner.
The banner and the TV kindly lent to us by Hughes Electrical
The banner and the TV kindly lent to us by Hughes Electrical
Lot 782 set out for display.
Lot 782 set out for display.
James and Sons regular auction venues
James and Sons regular auction venues

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All three of these tables were quite light and easy carry (even with the very small one having a full set of cutlery stored inside its top), and even better all three sold.
All three of these tables were quite light and easy carry (even with the very small one having a full set of cutlery stored inside its top), and even better all three sold.

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Some copper pots and a large coin cabinet
Some copper pots and a large coin cabinet
This warming pan failed to sell.
This warming pan failed to sell.
I am not sure as yet whether it was a museum or a dramatic group (for a production of Cinderella) but somebody bought this spinning wheel.
I am not sure as yet whether it was a museum or a dramatic group (for a production of Cinderella) but somebody bought this spinning wheel.
The display case full of medals is a regular sight at James and Sons events, but lot 4, an essay VC, was pleasingly unusual.
The display case full of medals is a regular sight at James and Sons events, but lot 4, an essay VC, was pleasingly unusual.
Yet more copper!
Yet more copper!
This very large quantity of very small cutlery did not sell (there six boxed sets as well as this newspaper wrapped one).
This very large quantity of very small cutlery did not sell (there six boxed sets as well as this newspaper wrapped one).
The James and Sons advertising board
The James and Sons advertising board
The Prince of Wales Suite at 5PM on Auction Day.
The Prince of Wales Suite at 5PM on Auction Day.

Two Hectic Days at James and Sons

Thursday and yesterday were two busy days at James and Sons, imaging for the February auction. The new Nikon Coolpix P530 proved its worth in spades, as the pictures I shall be sharing with you through this post will make obvious. Here is the (likely) front cover lot from two different angles:

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The bulk of the imaging I did over these two days was of coin lots, some of which I shall now share with you…

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Next a shout out, already provided on twitter, to Norfolk Libraries for having this magnificent book in stock, and of course to Ben Goldacre for writing it….


Before sharing some final images of quirky items, an update on the camera situation. Sine January 26th, a.k.a Dies Irae I have mad three attempts to contact the people from the Norfolk Camera Centre regarding the Nikon Coolpix P520 I took in for repairs on October 27th and have not seen since – for further details click here, concluding with an email sent on Thursday giving them details of where and when i would be working those two days and a warning that if by the end of work on Friday the camera was not back in my possession I would go back to the police. The camera not being in my possession I have duly recontacted the police with this information. Meantime, courtesy of the generosity of my parents I now have a Nikon Coolpix P530, which is well and truly proving its worth. Now for those final images…

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