Databasing and more books

After a productive morning working on the database I switched tack post lunch to other aspects of my job. Having loaded the book images from Sunday on to the computer, and got the OK to send off the now complete press release that I mentioned in my last post I imaged some more lots for the April sale.

The new lots were yet more books. The majority were obviously not going to be making big money but as you will see from the media attachments at the end of this post there were some gems sparkling amid the dung heap.

I expect to see something from my press release in the Lynn News because they went to the trouble of asking for a resized image that they could work with, which I duly supplied.

Next week I will be working on Wednesday to help prepare for the auction, and will be at the auction early on Thursday.

A couple of hours ago Fakenham was hit by an epic thunder/ hailstorm which had me very worried as I would have been a sitting duck had it still been raging when I finished work. However, in the sort of rapid transformation that English weather is uniquely capable of providing the sun was shining again by the time I left the office.

As usual, plenty of pictures….

113 George V

This bound collection of magazines had points of interest.
This bound collection of magazines had points of interest.


This was undoubtedly the pick of today's book lots, and I have included all three images that I took.
This was undoubtedly the pick of today’s book lots, and I have included all three images that I took.

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The binding is respectable if nothing else.
The binding is respectable if nothing else.
The resized image sent to the Lynn News
The resized image sent to the Lynn News


Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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