A packed weekend of sport

With the first Test Match of the summer in progress throughout, the Aegon championships at Queens reaching their conclusion and the final stages of the US Open golf the weekend was dominated by sport. Something going on Brazil, you say – sorry it entirely escaped my attention!

The Aegon final was a classic match, won eventually by Grigor Dimitrov after both he and Feliciano Lopez had let chances slip. That evening Gary Ballance completed his first test century, setting England up for an overnight declaration and a serious attempt at victory. The US Open had comparatively little tension – Martin Kaymer’s dominance of the tournament was too absolute for that.

Then came the final stages of the test match, with England straining every nerve and sinew for wickets, while Sri Lanka hung on by their finger nails, having long since abandoned any hope of anything better than a draw. The match finally ended in a draw, with England needing one wicket. I bracket this match with Old Trafford 2005 as a draw that had everything.

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In amongst all this I still found time to add to my collection of fine pictures…

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The Great Ouse is not a huge river in spite if its name, but it can get quite choppy when the wind blows.
The Great Ouse is not a huge river in spite if its name, but it can get quite choppy when the wind blows.

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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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