Marxism 4: Sunday

A slightly later than intended departure from Poplar did not quite make me late for the first meeting, in my case Jan Nielsen on how women’s lives were transformed by WW1 (I made a point of attending plenty of meetings about WW1 due to my role in the Great Centenary Charity Auction). I then went down one floor to attend the meeting on the origins of women’s oppression. After lunch I went to “Disabled people against austerity”, which was the fieriest meeting I attended all weekend. Then came the booklaunch meeting for Martin Empsons Land and Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History. 

My day ended with a meeting on Disability and WW1: from shellshock to revolution. This meeting was well attended in spite of being up on the 7th floor. There were some shocking photos, which I have asked the speaker to email to me. I may use some of them on and/ or

As always there were plenty of good photos:

The platform just before the start of the days first meeting in room 802
The platform just before the start of the days first meeting in room 802
Jan Nielsen speaking about how women's lives were transformed b y WW1
Jan Nielsen speaking about how women’s lives were transformed b y WW1
Books about women'soppression on the pplatform at that meeting
Books about women’soppression on the pplatform at that meeting


Helen Salmon speaking about the origins of women's oppression
Helen Salmon speaking about the origins of women’s oppression
Martin Empson and the chair prepare for his book laucnh meeting.
Martin Empson and the chair prepare for his book laucnh meeting.
Martin Empson speaking about Land and Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History
Martin Empson speaking about Land and Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History
Speaker Roddy and chair Siobhan prepare for the final meeting of the day in room 784
Speaker Roddy and chair Siobhan prepare for the final meeting of the day in room 784
The speaker, the chair and two interpreters who will provide sign language for the deaf
The speaker, the chair and two interpreters who will provide sign language for the deaf
Roddy's pamphlet
Roddy’s pamphlet


Roddy Slorach in full flow
Roddy Slorach in full flow
Quite a change from Mr Beck's original - the London Undergorund diagram 2014 version
Quite a change from Mr Beck’s original – the London Undergorund diagram 2014 version
Jubilee line train
Jubilee line train
Old stock masquerading as new: front view of a tarted up train of D78 stock
Old stock masquerading as new: front view of a tarted up train of D78 stock


The smoking gun - note the patch covering the push-button that used to operate this door when that was thought to be a good notion
The smoking gun – note the patch covering the push-button that used to operate this door when that was thought to be a good notion
Genuinely new stock - trains of this type, with concertina joins rather than bogie couplings now run on the Circle, Hammersmith and City and Metropolitan lines
Genuinely new stock – trains of this type, with concertina joins rather than bogie couplings now run on the Circle, Hammersmith and City and Metropolitan lines
Sponsorship makes its presence felt in the world of public transport!
Sponsorship makes its presence felt in the world of public transport!
The front of a Hammesmith and City line train
The front of a Hammesmith and City line train


Decorations in Canning Town station
Decorations in Canning Town station
The local football team are known colloquially as the irons and also as the hammers and this is a clue as to why.
The local football team are known colloquially as the irons and also as the hammers and this is a clue as to why.

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Sorting out problems with the July Auction

A very busy day at James and Sons – to the extent that my one and only break did not come until 2:50PM because getting the outstanding imaging for the July sale done was the priority.

Because it is taking place at Raynham Hall as a dress rehearsal for the Great Charity Centenary Auction, this sale is higher profile than usual for a James and Sons sale. More details about the big auction can be found at, or

Unlike yesterday which was almost all Liebig picture cards, today was a very varied day, and I have a fine range of pictures for you…

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Miniature medals like these are much rare than the full size versions.
Miniature medals like these are much rare than the full size versions.

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Marxism 3: Saturday

The Saturday at Marxism is always the busiest day – everyone who will be attending the event has arrived by then and nobody will be going home until the Sunday at the earliest and this year was no exception. 

Nevertheless, i was not unduly worried that we got to Euston Square with only a bare 10 minutes before the start of the first meeting, although the bad news for me was that I was heading up to the seventh floor of the Institute of Education (due to the way in which the floors are numbered only 3-4 floors above where you enter the building depending on which side you go in) which since I refused to use the lifts meant a bit of a climb upstairs.

Although I enjoyed everything that I attended as I usually do at Marxism I am going to concentrate on the 3:45 – 5PM slot, at which I attended Ten years on: remembering Paul Foot, which was organised with four excellent platform speakers all of whom had known and worked with Paul Foot, and a few contributions from others likewise, but not run as a standard meeting. 

Inspired by this session I changed my plans for the last meeting, giving John Molyneux on Art and WW1 a miss and instead attending Alex Callinicos on Is the far left in crisis? instead, which meant a return to the Logan Hall. Mention of WW1 leads again to those links: and

All in all a thoroughly good day, and as you will see, plenty of good photos…

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Huw Williams speaks about Marxism and Anarchism
Huw Williams speaks about Marxism and Anarchism

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Suzanne Jeffery talking about climate change.
Suzanne Jeffery talking about climate change.


Matt Foot on are the police in crisis? (a resounding yes)
Matt Foot on are the police in crisis? (a resounding yes)
Rhetta Moran, the other main speaker at the are the police in crisis? meeting talks about the brutality meted out to anti-fascist protesters in Bolton
Rhetta Moran, the other main speaker at the are the police in crisis? meeting talks about the brutality meted out to anti-fascist protesters in Bolton


Journalist Darcus Howe and human rights lawayer Gareth Peirce in conversation before the Paul Foot memorial meeting
Journalist Darcus Howe and human rights lawayer Gareth Peirce in conversation before the Paul Foot memorial meeting


All four of the panel for the Paul foot memorial meeting: John Pilger, Darcus Howe, Gareth Peirce and Matt Foot
All four of the panel for the Paul foot memorial meeting: John Pilger, Darcus Howe, Gareth Peirce and Matt Foot

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Gareth Peirce
Gareth Peirce
Matt Foot, legal aid campaigner of the year and son of Paul Foot
Matt Foot, legal aid campaigner of the year and son of Paul Foot


John Pilger
John Pilger
Darcus Howe
Darcus Howe

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Alex Callinicos on is the far left in crisis?
Alex Callinicos on is the far left in crisis?
Alex Callinicos made a point of saying that he had noticed the name of the person with whom this bottle of coke was supposed to be shared!
Alex Callinicos made a point of saying that he had noticed the name of the person with whom this bottle of coke was supposed to be shared!


Marxism 2: Friday

It was raining on the Friday morning, so my host suggested we get the bus to Stratford as that route involved less walking. We initially had a view to getting the Central line all the way to Tottenham Court Road, but it was so crowded that this was modified to changing at Mile End to the Hammersmith and City Line and travelling to Euston Square. On subsequent days we would travel the H&C between Euston Square and West Ham, going one stop on the Jubilee to or from Canning Town. 

We arrived at the event in good time for the first meeting, in my case John Parrington on Is Science Neutral? Next came Marxism and Mental Health, which so impressed me that I asked the speaker to email me her slides, which she subsequently did. After this it was time for lunch, and the Norwich picnic was easily located courtesy of an inflatable canary which stood out the proverbial mile. The afternoon session had plenty to live up to, but courtesy of Amy Leather (who also organised the whole event) on Fracking and Mark L Thomas (middle initial used to distinguish himself from the comedian who has lately lost his touch somewhat) on The Labour Party and the Unions it did so. 

In the evening, in spite of it being the eighth floor, I went to the meeting on WW1 and the British Empire, with Talat Ahmed. This was only right for someone heavily involved in the Great Centenary Charity Auction, more details about which can be found at and/or www.twiiter,com/great_auction

In the bar after the meetings were all done we were treated to some excellent live music before heading back to Poplar for the night. 

As usual I have some good photos for you…

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John Parrington prepares to speak at the first meeting of the day
John Parrington prepares to speak at the first meeting of the day


Another attempt at the abstract art in the Elvin Hall
Another attempt at the abstract art in the Elvin Hall


Beth Greenhill in position to speak at the meeting on Mental Health
Beth Greenhill in position to speak at the meeting on Mental Health
Lets be 'avin' yer - the canary mentioned in the main text.
Lets be ‘avin’ yer – the canary mentioned in the main text.

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The Martin Empson book in excellent, but financial constrainst mean that I have yet to sample the other.
The Martin Empson book in excellent, but financial constrainst mean that I have yet to sample the other.
This is a detail from one of number of pictures that were projected before meetings started.
This is a detail from one of number of pictures that were projected before meetings started.

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The cover of the timetable
The cover of the timetable
Mark L Thomas in full flow
Mark L Thomas in full flow

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before the start of the evening session
before the start of the evening session
Talat Ahmed in action
Talat Ahmed in action
Live music in the institute bar
Live music in the institute bar


A tough day at James and Sons

A combination of great heat (and apparently tomorrow is due to be even hotter before the storms arrive just in time for the weekend) and a heavy workload made today at James and Sons a more than usually draining day. Still, we are more or less on track for the July auction, which will serve as a dress rehearsal for the Great Centenary Charity Auction in September and is therefore more than usually important.

The proceeds of the Great Centenary Charity Auction, being held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of WW1 will be used to fund research in blast injuries. For more details check out, and/ or

As usual I have some fine pictures for you…

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Marxism 2014 Festival Part One: Getting There and Day 1

Hello and welcome to the first in a series of posts, interspersed with my more regular posts that I will be producing about this year’s Marxism Festival.

Travelling down on the 11:56 train (one hour later than usual, as the start of the event was postponed to enable people to take part in Public Sector strikes) I arrived in very good time to deposit my heavier luggage and take my place at the first meeting, which in my case was on What is fascism?, with Jo Cardwell from Waltham Forest. I then took in Brian Richardson on Malcolm X, before attending the opening rally, in a jam packed Logan Hall. There were some wonderful contributions throughout. While the most enthusiastic reception was accorded to South African miner Makhanya Siphamandla that for Afghan asylum seeker Manjeet Kaur was barely any less enthusiastic.

Following the final rally it was time to hook up with the person I was going to be staying with (yes, this time I had actually had details of my accommodation in advance) to make arrangements. This was achieved with the aid of a borrowed mobile and without too much difficulty. Having established that we would have to travel back together each evening as there was only one key and no possibility of cutting a replacement due to the nature of the lock we headed straight back (I was not keen on hanging around with all my bags in tow.

The route we took that night involved the Piccadilly and Jubilee lines (the latter inescapable because the local station at the other end was Canning Town), although we did not use the Piccadilly again. Never mind the hideous eyesore of a development that bankrupted its developers, the true icon of that area is a building designed by Erno Goldfinger where the lift shafts are separate from the main building, and linked to each floor by passageways.

As usual I have plenty of photos…

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Abstract art on one side of the Elvin Hall
Abstract art on one side of the Elvin Hall
Abstract art in the Elvin Hall
Abstract art in the Elvin Hall

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The Fight for Inclusive Education (wall art in Nunn Hall)
The Fight for Inclusive Education (wall art in Nunn Hall)


A bust of Mr Jeffery outside the hall named in his honour at the Institute of education.
A bust of Mr Jeffery outside the hall named in his honour at the Institute of education.

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A packed Logan Hall ready for the opening rally.
A packed Logan Hall ready for the opening rally.

?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? Outside my accomodation

Bird life in the capital
Bird life in the capital

Part of the building by day Erno Goldfinger's building by night

A bottle opener at my accommodation.
A bottle opener at my accommodation.

Weekend in Dorset (2)

This post is devoted entirely to the extremely scenic walk from Cerne Abbas (of chalk giant fame) back to the house in which we were staying. The viewing point for the giant is about 5 minutes walk from the centre of the village and is beautifully sited. From the viewing point I walked up to the tiny village of Minterne Parva before following a very overgrown footpath to Buckland Newton. 

Buckland Newton is a pretty village though it is a sign of the times that the Gaggle of Geese pub has closed down. I left Buckland Newton on the road towards Alton Pancras, from whence a path led practically to where we were staying. However, I got too ambitious, and tried to save a bit on the route by taking another likely looking path before reaching Alton Pancras. 

This led to a nerve jangling encounter with some bullocks and then a scramble down to the only visible road from the other side of the field when in spite of signs indicating its presence there was no evidence of the Wessex Ridgeway Path. I was badly off track, near the village of Brockhampton, 4 miles from Mappowder, which in turn was a good couple of miles from where I was aiming, but I no longer dared do other than follow the road.

Although the walk ended up being longer than I had intended it was mainly very enjoyable, and provided a vast haul of quality photos…

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The famous giant in all its glory.
The famous giant in all its glory.

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This house is visible from the heights between Minterne Parva and Buckland Newton
This house is visible from the heights between Minterne Parva and Buckland Newton

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One of the gateposts of what used to be the Gaggle of Geese
One of the gateposts of what used to be the Gaggle of Geese

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Unlike Buckland Newton's   much plainer affair, Mappowder Church is genuine quite impressive.
Unlike Buckland Newton’s much plainer affair, Mappowder Church is genuine quite impressive.

A hard day at James and Sons

I arrived early at James and Sons, expecting to be going to Raynham Hall, only to discover that the meeting had been cancelled, so I used the extra hour to good effect, getting lots of images done, checked and edited. I also created another advertising poster that I have subsequently sent out as a press release.

As usual I have no shortage of good images…16

The composite image for the poster.
The composite image for the poster.

Silver Poster

A 400 dpi scan of ten carefully selected coins to give those who wish it a closer look.
A 400 dpi scan of ten carefully selected coins to give those who wish it a closer look.
Main image - tub full of Victorian pennies and halfpennies with some spread out in front of it
Main image – tub full of Victorian pennies and halfpennies with some spread out in front of it
A composite of both faces again.
A composite of both faces again.

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A composite image showing both bfaces of the medallion
A composite image showing both bfaces of the medallion

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A Great Article in the EDP, plus Great Centenary Auction website up and running.

This gallery has two distinct halves, first highlights from today’s imaging and second photos that took yesterday while out and about enjoying the sunshine. The last image you will see is a combination of a panorama on the left and on the right, demonstrating the power of the zoom lens a close up shot of West Lynn church (just visible in the back centre of the panorama) from the same location.

Yesterday’s Eastern Daily Press contained a wonderful article about the Great Centenary Charity Auction which you can see for yourself via the following link: on the revamped website to which I have thus far added four posts.

Also today, a massive social media blitz has got under way, and already our facebook page has new likes, and I am sure that our twitter site has new followers as well.

In and around these activities I have also been imaging for the rehearsal auction and as usual have some highlights for you…


Auctions and a seismic upset at Wimbledon

After a constructive Great Centenary Auction organising meeting, and a tour of inspection of the area where the Raynham Hall auctions will take place (the rehearsal aka James and Sons July sale, and the big event in September), which latter took in some heavy lifting but also provided some photo opportunities as you will see, it was back to the shop and more imaging. Some of the pictures I am putting up will have been seen by users of Facebook and Twitter.

Although I missed much of the day’s action from Wimbledon I was back in time to listen to the closing stages of 19 year old Nick Kyrgios’ spectacular defeat of world no 1 Rafael Nadal. The last time a world no one was beaten by a teenager was nine years ago when Federer was beaten by Nadal.

Now for those pictures…

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Yes - we have been assigned quarters in the stables.
Yes – we have been assigned quarters in the stables.

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A nuisance of pigeons - or  perhaps the alliteration of a pestilence of pigeons.
A nuisance of pigeons – or perhaps the alliteration of a pestilence of pigeons.

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This interesting window i situated in a position where the only person who regularly has the chance to see it is me.
This interesting window i situated in a position where the only person who regularly has the chance to see it is me.

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Stock for the July auction.
Stock for the July auction.
A stout ring like this on each section of door, a chain to link them and a stout padlock will sort out security.
A stout ring like this on each section of door, a chain to link them and a stout padlock will sort out security.


On auction day(s) a marquee will be set up on this lawn.
On auction day(s) a marquee will be set up on this lawn.