Save Ashcroft Campaign

An introduction to the Save Ashcroft campaign, with some important links and cool pictures.

This post is going to be in three parts:

1) An Image to introduce you to what it is all about

2) Some links that relate to the topic being covered.

3)The main body of the post


A photo of the current leaflet.
A photo of the current leaflet.


My first offering is a link to a wonderful piece detailing how mental health issues are misrepresented in the media, courtesy of an American health news site. Next comes an article on awareness, acceptance and how one can to lead to the other, posted on ramblingsofaspecialmom. My next link is to an online section of the Labour Party manifesto. Before continuing with my next links i will just say that while I am as mistrustful of manifestos as anyone if it comes to a choice between someone who is offering an improvement and someone who means to make things worse I know who I will be voting for! My penultimate link is to a an open letter that gives the Guardian’s “Secret Teacher” a well deserved telling off. My last link is to the Save Ashcroft Campaign’s facebook page, which I hope everyone will visit and like. Mention of social media brings to me to a landmark – aspitweets has just reached 2,000 followers.


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The Wensum, near the heart of the fine city of Norwich
The Wensum, near the heart of the fine city of Norwich

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Last night there was an organising meeting of the Save Ashcroft Campaign. The meeting was arranged for the Vauxhall Community Centre in Norwich from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Not wishing to get back to King’s Lynn after midnght, and being even less keen on not being involved at all, I contacted the organisers to find out if I could stay overnight in Norwich. This duly arranged (many thanks to the kind woman who offered me a bed in her house), I arrived at the venue without incident at 7:15PM (precisely the time I would want to arrive for a 7:30 start). The meeting was very constructive, with many excellent suggestions being raised.

The next public activity on behalf of this very worthy cause will be on May 2nd at the Forum in Norwich, where they will have a place a stall being run by a larger campaign concerned with the whole of mental health provision (or rather lack of it) in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Before finishing with some more pictures, I ask you all to share this and to support Save Ashcroft any way you can – every little helps.


My T-shirt for Saturday's activity in King's Lynn
My T-shirt for Saturday’s activity in King’s Lynn


The first fo five pictures to show that my Aunt's pots are prospering.
The first fo five pictures to show that my Aunt’s pots are prospering.

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This blackbird is getting bad habits - that is a chip from a mobile stall in its mouth!
This blackbird is getting bad habits – that is a chip from a mobile stall in its mouth!

Just before finishing this post where I started with the leaflet, I urge anyone who is in King’s Lynn on Saturday to come out and help as gather signatures against the creeping privatisation of the NHS.

Yes so good I am using at both ends of the post - and making it the feature image.
Yes so good I am using at both ends of the post – and making it the feature image.

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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