A Day Out In Norwich 3: Lunch At The Belgian Monk


Welcome to my third post about our family day out in Norwich on Thursday. For those who missed them, the first two posts were:

1)Introductory Post

2)Enter the Dragons

I hope that you will enjoy this post and be inspired to share it.



A combination of rigid adherence to a silly rule (no one under 16 to sit in the bar area) and the fact that the place was busy meant that we had to wait a few minutes before a table large enough for five became available.


The beer was superb – I had a Petrus Dubbel Bruin and a Grimbergen Dubbel both of which were splendid drinks. I got some photos of logos etc…

This sign is outside the back of the pub, where we were sitting
This sign is outside the back of the pub, where we were sitting
The first beer that I drank
The first beer that I drank
The second beer that I drank.
The second beer that I drank.
My father's second beer.
My father’s second beer.


My sister and my mother both opted for mussels, which come with a ‘sconce’ of chips…

My mother holding a 'sconce' of chips aloft.
My mother holding a ‘sconce’ of chips aloft.

I opted for a steak and Belgian beer pie, which was good overall but loses marks for failing to be a proper pie – it was that thoroughly annoying and difficult to eat cheat, a casserole with a ridiculously puffy layer of puff pastry on top. The chips, were excellent. Taking into account the overall quality, and inflicting three penalty points for cheating, I award the meal 6.5 out of 10.

I have a few remaining pics from the Belgian Monk to share,..

The church tower visible from the beer garden (in Norwich you are never very far from a medieval church!)
The church tower visible from the beer garden (in Norwich you are never very far from a medieval church!)
A splendid piece of wall painting.
A splendid piece of wall painting.
The Belgian Monk's account of their mussels.
The Belgian Monk’s account of their mussels.

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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