The Day Of The Great Centenary Charity Auction


This post is a personal account of the day of the Great Centenary Charity Auction, before I switch focus to writing some official accounts for the website. I hope that you will enjoy this post and be encouraged to share it.


My presence was not required right from the start, so I was able to get to Fakenham Racecourse at about 10:20 by taking the first bus of the day (leaves King’s Lynn at 9:25 and walking from the town centre). The first photo opportunity came long before I was at the auction venue – just after getting up I saw this little beauty…


I had decided to dress up extra smartly, a decision I was to regret by the end of a hot day – although if the evidence of this photograph, the only one I shall be using today that I did not take is anything to go on I did succeed in looking smart…

Auction Underway

Here was the first sign that I was approaching the venue (not that I needed reassurance – I know that particular route and venue as well as anyone)…


The venue was already fairly busy by the time I got there, but front line customer service and autistic spectrum conditions are not a good mix, so I would not have been of much assistance in that role…

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Although both lots 1 and 2 fared well, the auction took a while to really take off. Lot 101, a very elaborate Crimean War helmet, well displayed at the venue and well imaged previously, sold for a colossal £1,300…

This was the image that was used for the sale.
This was the image that was used for the sale.
This is lot 101 as displayed at the venue with two other lots.
This is lot 101 as displayed at the venue with two other lots.
Lot 101 in all it's glory at the venue.
Lot 101 in all it’s glory at the venue.
A close up of the badge.
A close up of the badge.

The auction ran rather more slowly than usual, so I was not able to stay right to the finish, as I had a bus to catch at 17:35. My colleague Andrew took over for the home straight (well we were at a racecourse!)


As well as James and Sons employees and volunteers and the odd Royal British Legion functionary, Fakenham Air Training Corps were present in force…


I departed just after seeing one final high note hit – lot 535, a collection of cloth patches expected to raise £10-15 actually sold for £50.

A second auction, for which we already have a considerable number of lots, is planned for March 2016, and I hope lots of you will attend or sign up to bid online.

I will finish by showing some pictures of the racecourse itself, looking resplendent in the sun…

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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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