Brief Update

A quick update about my situation vis a vis coronavirus.


In view of the the coronavirus situation I thought I would let all of you know about what is happening with me.


With my lungs probably still damaged from the cancer that nearly killed me less than a year an a half ago and my immune system almost certainly still compromised from the chemo used to treat that cancer I am in an at risk group. Therefore my external activities for the foreseeable future will be kept to a minimum – I hope to still visit the two libraries that are within walking distance of me, and for the moment I intend to keep on doing my own food shopping, although I have a backup plan in place should even these excursions have to stop. I have already put my plans to return to work on hold, and my employer has indicated that he will try to arrange for me to do some imaging from home while I cannot risk travel by public transport. I am at the moment quite well, and definitely do not have a fever – I have been taking my temperature daily for several weeks now and it it is consistently reading in the 36 degrees range. My life is never exactly a dizzy whirl of social activities in any case, so such a minimalist approach as I am having to take is probably less of a hardship to me than it would be to many. Good luck to all of you finding ways to cope in these difficult times, and I will try to find more things to blog about in the coming period. Here are a few recent pictures to finish:

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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

16 thoughts on “Brief Update”

  1. Thomas, Tubularsock thanks you for the like on Tubularsock, “. . . first time coverage, second hand news.”

    Sound like you are one strong fellow but as has been said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

    Take good care of yourself fellow traveler.


  2. Hey Thomas, these are indeed challenging times, I must imagine especially for you having experienced close calls before, and I wish you lots of good health. I will keep you in prayers and let’s hope this covid situation settles down soon.

    btw, I invite you to check out my blog too, please follow it if you find it helpful! Let’s grow together 🙂

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