Test Cricket’s Stupidest Dismissal?

A look a two of test cricket’s daftest dismissals, the second of which happened yesterday. Also a huge photo gallery, making the most of the arrival of spring.

In the recent test match between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka two Sri Lankan batters scored centuries in both innings, and a Bangladeshi batter suffered the dismissal that prompted this little squib. I offer two contenders only, starting with…

You are facing your first ball, with your side already reeling at 37-4. What do you do? If you are Litton Das you have an almighty heave and hole out in the deep, turning 37-4 into 37-5. Sadly, although this particular dismissal stands out for its sheer awfulness Bangladesh have had far too many moments of lack of application/ lack of mental toughness in their 24 years as a test playing nation, and such progress as they have made in that time is barely measurable.

You are Shannon Gabriel, specialist fast bowler with zero pretensions as a batter, and your side, the West Indies are nine wickets down with seven possible deliveries left in the match. At the other end, waiting to bat out the last over and leave the pitch with the draw secured, is Roston Chase with 110 not out to his name. What do you do? Mr Gabriel had a wild yahoo and succeeded in losing his wicket, handing the match, and with it the series, to Pakistan. The West Indian commentator’s agonized shout of “WHY DID HE DO THAT???!!!” is only too understandable in the circumstances.

On the one hand Litton Das is a proper batter and Shannon Gabriel one of the more genuine of genuine tail enders, which would seem to militate against the Bangladeshi. On the other hand Bangladesh were miles from any hope of escape in the match, whereas Gabriel knew that if he simply kept out one ball it would Roston Chase’s task to survive the remaining over, and he knew that Chase had a ton to his name and would be seeing it like a watermelon. Thus on the ground that the end goal was in plain sight for Gabriel and not remotely visible for Das, while acknowledging that Das had an absolute shocker, and that no one should have got out like that in that situation I give the verdict to Gabriel.

I have a massive photo gallery to share…

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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