GoGo Hares

Introducing the GoGo hares – worthy heirs to the elephants and dragons that preceded them.


The charity Break have established something a tradition involving large painted fibreglass animals – it started with elephants, then dragons, and now for a third installment we have hares. This year they are looking beyond Norwich – there is one in Fakenham, which I saw on Friday, there is one in Dereham which I saw through the windows of the ExCel bus travelling to and from the auction that my employers had in the fine city of Norwich yesterday and there are a load of them distributed around Norwich, some of which I captured on camera.


The first five images relate to Lancaster, the Falenham Hare, whose acquaintance I made while banking my wages.

Lancaster infoLancaster - rear viewCounty TrailLancaster story board

Egyptian Hare, Dereham
This Egyoptian style hare adorns the market place in Dereham

Egyptian Hare, Dereham IHare, St Stephens Street, NorwichHare, near Norwich CastleHare in a shop windowHare, Davey PlaceHare, Bank Plain

Hare, The Maids Head Hotel
This hare resides at The Maids Head Hotel where we had our auction.
Polka Dot Hare, The Forum
Cruella De Vil might like this hare, located outside the Forum.
Kafkaesque Hare, OS Library
This kafkaesque creation can be found just outside Norwich Millennium library
Hare, Norwich Library
While this one is inside the library
Hare, Tourist Information Office
This “Norfolk birds” hare is in the main Tourist information office in Norwich

Info on Tourist Office Hare

Tiger Striped Hare, nr Top Shop
The late legendary Richard Whiteley would probably have described this as a hare-tigger (he specialised in this kind of pun).

Hare, nr M&S

A Day Out In Norwich 2: Enter The Dragons


Welcome to this, my second post about a family day out in Norwich which happened on Thursday. You may wish to check out the first post before proceeding. I hope you will enjoy this post and will be inspired to share it.


Norwich has an affinity for large brightly coloured model animals. There have been elephants and monkeys/apes on display at various times. The latest thing is dragons, which will be sold off at auction to raise funds for Break, the children’s charity. There are apparently 84 full size dragons and over 120 baby dragons around Norwich.

I cannot pretend that we actually spotted that many, but we did see quite a few, starting with Flambeau, just after we had left the car

Flambeau the Dragon
Flambeau the Dragon

Our next sighting was while we were in Jarrold’s, the Norwich department store, who are sponsors of the project…

The Jarrold's dragon
The Jarrold’s dragon

We saw one more before lunch, just outside a shop I will not name but which sells clothing and is run by people without consciences…


Post lunch, the dragon count really picked up, starting with Gogohoratio, a dragon with the head of a well known admiral who was born at Burnham Thorpe in Norfolk (although they gave him a full complement of eyes – which he famously did not have)…


Next up was Steam the Clockwork Dragon of whom I got several shots…

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Our next encounter with a dragon was with Mosaic, whose name becomes understandable as soon as you get a close look…

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There were two dragons in the Cathedral Close, Biggles the RAF dragon and Serafina, the Norwich School dragon, made from pupil’s fingerprints, but I will be covering the Cathedral Close in a separate post, so the next dragon you will see is Daisy, the first we saw after leaving the Cathedral Close…

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Down by the Wensum, the river that flows through Norwich, was Raptorsfire…

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Our next dragon was glimpsed on the other side of the Wensum…


Then came this one…


The next dragon was this red-golden one…


That was followed by a black dragon…


The penultimate dragon we saw was this flint patterned chappy…

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Finally, the last dragon we managed to spot was this one…
