Lake District 2023 11: Brockhole General

A look at Brockhole as part of my series about my holiday in the Lake District.

Welcome to the latest post in my series about my holiday in the Lake District. This post is the first of two about Brockhole, as I felt the exhibition about the natural history, geology and wildlife of the Lake District deserved a post to itself. Brockhole marked a switch in the focus of our explorations – it was the last of the places around Windermere that we visited, and it was our last use of the cruising boats as a mode of transport – when we had finished at Brockhole we headed for the bus stop, and that mode of transport remained our choice for the remainder of our explorations.


Brockhole is a nature reserve with a former stately home housing the gift shop and the exhibition referred to in the introduction. There was much to see between the landing jetty and the house, and a bit more once we had finished in the house. If I am ever in the area again I would certainly hope to revisit this place, and see more of it than I did this time round.


Lake District 2023 7: Cruising on Windermere II

A second post about cruising on Windermere as part of my series about my holiday in the Lake District.

Welcome to the latest post in my series about my holiday in the Lake District. This post completes the general picture of cruising on Windermere.


After Bowness the boat went on down Windermere to a place dubbed Lakeside from which a steam railway runs to Haverthwaite (this journey will get a post of its own later in this series). Then we journeyed back to Bowness and Ambleside, paused for an hour in Ambleside before taking the Green route to Wray Castle, Brockhole and back to Ambleside. We stopped to visit Wray Castle, which will get a separate post later. On the Tuesday morning we completed our cruising activities with a trip to Brockhole (also a post in this series). At that point we switched transport modes to buses for the rest of our explorations on Tuesday and all day on Wednesday.


The Lakeside Pier is almost as far from Ambleside Waterhead as one can get and still be on Windermere, so these cruises between them gave us a view of the entirety of the lake (and I was sat outside in good viewing positions for the whole of it). Wray Castle pier gives a clue as to what is to come – the boathouse is a remarkable structure in its own right. Brockhole pier is equally distinctive in its own way, advertising what that location has to offer in no uncertain terms.