‘Just keep away from them’ – Saying ‘NO’ to victim-blaming

Originally posted on YennPurkis:
I give a lot of presentations about autism and resilience. Right after the slide about what resilience is, I always add one about what resilience is NOT. There is a reason for this. One of the first presentations I gave about autism and resilience was at a large conference in Queensland…

An excellent post on the subject of bullying and victim blaming by Jeanette Purkis (be warned it is not an easy read, but it is really well worth it)…


I give a lot of presentations about autism and resilience. Right after the slide about what resilience is, I always add one about what resilience is NOT. There is a reason for this. One of the first presentations I gave about autism and resilience was at a large conference in Queensland a few years ago. Many of the attendees were parents of autistic kids. My resilience talk was in the big theatre and I was on quite a high stage. The whole way through my talk I noticed a woman in the second row on my right. I could tell she wanted to ask a question. I expected her to interject – she clearly had something important to say. As soon as I finished speaking and it was time for questions her hand went straight up. I gestured to her to speak and told me she had enjoyed my presentation…

View original post 862 more words

Petition To Brentwood County High School

A link to a petition concerning bullying/ disability hate crime at Brentwood County High School.

I have featured this petition here before. The latest is that there are 4,500 signatures, but Harry remains off school as he will not go back until the bullies have been expelled. The headteacher is currently refusing to meet Harry’s family, and they have reported the attacks Harry has suffered as disability hate crime. If you have not already done so please sign and share the petition by clicking on the screenshot below:




Autism and Bullying

A link to a very important petition accompanied by a short video – please sign and share. Also some stuff relating to the appalling decision to approve a third runway at Heathrow, some photos and a few other links.


The main purpose of this post is to share a very important petition posted on change.org by autism advocate and anti-bullying campaigner Kevin Healey. I also have some other links that have come to my attention this morning and a few photographs.


Kevin’s petition relates to the case of Harry Gosling, which is covered in detail on the site. Please visit, sign and share the petition here. There is also a short video embedded below:


The title of this section refers to the appalling decision by the ‘Mayhem’ government to approve a third runway at Heathrow Airport. I have three links to share in this section, starting with this one to a an article in the Guardian outlining just how expensive this crazy project will be even in purely monetary terms.

My other two links relate to the upcoming by-election in Richmond triggered by Zac Gioldsmith’s decision to resign and stand as an independent in protest at this awful decision (a gesture that in no way redeems him for the disgusting London Mayoral campaign he chose to run). They express differing opinions as to whether or not Labour should stand:

My own opinion: I do not think that Labour should stand a candidate in this election – I would recommend that they, the Greens and the Liberal Democrats get together and stand a single anti-Goldsmith candidate who can help to deliver a final damning verdict on Goldsmith by making his current status as an ex-MP permanent (the Conservatives have already said that they will not field a candidate against him, because, although this bit is unstated by them, they know perfectly well that any such candidate would lose).


Just a few photographs this time…


Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning (this picture was taken yesterday on my way to Norwich for James and Sons’ October auction which I shall be covering in another post)



I have three more links to share to end this post. My first, from New Zealand blogger Heather Hastie, is about the current state of healthcare in the US. You can visit this post, which is chock full of solid sense, by clicking the infographic below:


Same Difference have produced a post to alert people to a new dirty trick that the DWP have come up with.

Finally, this piece ends where it started, with autism, in the form of this post on The Mighty about the pressure on autistic people to attempt to act normally.

A Mixed Bag

This post is going to be in three parts. First of all some links to other blog posts and online bits that have particularly impressed me today, then a bit about today at work and finally some other bits.


These links are to the pick of the things I have encountered online today…


https://www.change.org/p/suffolk-county-councillor-brian-riley-let-the-people-of-hadleigh-decide-whether-they-want-an-elected-representative-who-lives-3900-miles-away-resign-and-let-us-have-a-by-election These first two both deal with the same story, but as someone who went through the Incinerator battle in King’s Lynn and who therefore has very low tolerance for arrogant and out of touch Tory councillors I felt it worth giving both links!

http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/03/19/do-you-know-the-horrifying-facts-about-your-own-mp/ This and the next but one link are related – the latter is a specific example of following up the former.

http://deeclarknz.com/2015/03/14/walls-do-not-have-to-separate-us/ A very moving blog post.







http://blog.autism-mom.com/2015/03/the-secret-life-of-the-bully-1000speak/ One of the bets pieces of writing about bullying I have thus far encountered.

https://beastrabban.wordpress.com/2015/03/19/ukip-candidate-for-westmoreland-resigns-citing-racism-bullying-and-sectarianism/ This is today’s regulation UKIP disaster story!


Although much of today was taken up with heavy lifting I did get to create a couple of pieces of PR material which I hope to be able to use on Tuesday, the second of which involved some imaging (I used an already created image in the first – it must be pretty good since it already has a confirmed bid of £500 on it)

The first piece was a press release about James and Sons being at an antiques and collectables fair at Newmarket Racecourse…

?????????? Map

A JPG of the completed document.
A JPG of the completed document.

Newmarket SatelliteThe second piece was rather more intriguing. It centred on a couple of African cultural artifacts, a Kuba mask and a witchdoctor’s stick. The latter has some serious history – it was once the personal property of no less an individual than Sir Henry Rider Haggard (of King Solomon’s Mines fame). A full gallery follows…

The full poster (as I intend it) - top and bottom the whole stick, around the sides details from various parts of the stick and in the centre the mask.
The full poster (as I intend it) – top and bottom the whole stick, around the sides details from various parts of the stick and in the centre the mask.
Stick and mask in one shot
Stick and mask in one shot
The mask.
The mask.

?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????I have a few non-work related pics to share as well, including an opportunistic pair of eclipse shots. It was vey overcast in Norfolk today, but between getting off the bus at Oak Street and arriving at James and Sons I did get one half decent shot which I turned into two pictures…


The original holder that these Liebig cards came in split, so I mounted them on card instead (it being the pics I am interested in)
The original holder that these Liebig cards came in split, so I mounted them on card instead (it being the pics I am interested in)


This is a close up of the eclipse
This is a close up of the eclipse
This is the edited but not cropped version that now serves as the desktop background on my work computer!
This is the edited but not cropped version that now serves as the desktop background on my work computer!