The London Energy Company

An extended signpost to a very detailed article about London mayoral candidate Sian Berry’s latest excellent idea.


This is yet another excellent proposal from London mayoral candidate Sian Berry. For the rest of this post I will give you the introductory paragraphs of the article from, the picture that appears at the top of the article, and a link to the full article.


The article, which appears under the heading “Green Party’s mayoral candidate proposes new clean energy company for London” starts as follows:

The Green Party’s mayoral candidate Sian Berry has announced plans to set up a new renewable energy company that will operate as a subsidiary of the UK’s Transport for London (TfL).

The proposal, which is part of the party’s 2015 London Mayor campaign, aims to reverse government attacks on solar power by setting out clear plans for a major expansion of renewable technology across London.

The London Energy Company would help the city to source 20% of its electricity needs from solar power alone.

By investing in other renewable technologies, the company is expected to deliver at least 30% of London’s energy needs from zero or low-carbon sources by 2030.

Sian Berry said: “There is huge potential in London for a wide range of low and zero-carbon technologies to be used to generate heat and electricity from the sun, wind, ground and air using heat pumps, gas created from waste, and from London’s tides and river flows.”

The clean electricity generated will be used to power Crossrails operations.

Here is the picture:


Please read the full article here.