My New Years Blog Post

2014 has been a very significant year for me in many ways. Between a return to full-time education, mental health issues and the difficulty of finding employment as someone with Asperger’s Syndrome this is the first year since 1998 in which I have been in paid employment from beginning to end.

It is also the year in which I discovered twitter, first administrating @great_auction and subsequently launching an account of my own, @aspitweets which already after only just over two months has more than 1300 followers.

As a counterblast to the New Year Honours List I have produced a brief New Year Dishonours List. For the sake of balance,, and also by way of thanking the individuals concerned I have also produced a short list of people who have impacted positively on my life in recent times. Undoubtedly since I was attempting to be brief people have been missed from both lists!

I also have a few new pics from today, some of which I shall include below…

These are the people I have chosen to single out in a positive way.
These are the people I have chosen to single out in a positive way.
This is my personal rogues gallery for 2014!
This is my personal rogues gallery for 2014!
It is difficult to get good pics of small birds with an ordinary camera!
It is difficult to get good pics of small birds with an ordinary camera!

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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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