NAS West Norfolk AGM

An account the AGM of NAS West Norfolk, focussing on changes to the committee and an autism awareness event.


The AGM of the National Autistic Society West Norfolk branch took place last night at the scout hut on Beaulah Street, King’s Lynn. Obviously there are limits on what I can say about the meeting itself as some of the stuff talked about is confidential, but there is enough to say to make it worth posting about.


Although it was not very warm (this is an English October folks) I walked both ways, not being willing to fork over a bus fare for a journey of that length. For the walk there I headed across the upper Purfleet, down to the Tuesday Market Place and past St Nicholas Chapel to the town end of Bawsey Drain which I followed as far as Lynn Sport, from where I headed across open fields to the scout hut.

The moon over King's Lynn Minster, 6:15PM
The moon over King’s Lynn Minster, 6:15PM
The Corn Exchange lit up for the evening, circa 6:20PM
The Corn Exchange lit up for the evening, circa 6:20PM
St Nicholas Chapel against the darkening skies a couple of minutes later.
St Nicholas Chapel against the darkening skies a couple of minutes later.


We were meeting in a small side room off the main meeting area in this building. Once I had taken a suitable place in the meeting room there were a few minutes to kill before things got properly underway, so I bagged a few more photographs.

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For reasons I have already given I am only going to a mention afew things from the meeting itself. Two very long-serving committee members were stepping down, and naturally this was marked with a public thank you…

Delores and Kim with their thank you gifts.
Delores and Kim with their thank you gifts.

The new committee was chosen. Notable changes to the structure of the committee saw yours truly and Callum Brazzo (both adults who are #actuallyautistic) given roles as adult co-ordinators. As some of you on the other side of the Atlantic have reason to know, not all organisations which claim to be about helping autistic people are so good when it comes to actually involving autistic people in a meaningful way.

The new committee. Second from the right, in the black and green top is yours truly.
The new committee. Second from the right, in the black and green top is yours truly.

In April there will be an Auitism Awareness event taking place at thje Duke’s Head Hotel on the Tuesday Market Place, King’s Lynn. I will very likely be presenting a display the best of my photographs, probably as a slide show.


I headed back by the path I had not taken on the way there, and although it was of course pitch dark by this point I did get a few more pictures…


A mallard drake taken at night without the use of the flash.
A mallard drake taken at night without the use of the flash.
As we started with the Minster, so we finish there, with three shots of the son a lumiere display.
As we started with the Minster, so we finish there, with three shots of the son a lumiere display.

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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

7 thoughts on “NAS West Norfolk AGM”

  1. Great blog Thomas, we are delighted to have yours and Callum’s unique and personal input on the committee.

    1. Glad you liked the photos. The Corn Exchange, pictured in this piece, is a regular venue for live music events, as are both King’s Lynn Minster and St Nicholas Chapel – so I am sure you will get the opportunity to visit our town before too long!

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