Public Transport (and more Spring Photos)

More spring photographs following on my last post, likewise some appropriately themed music, some stuff about public transport, some autism related links and some other links.


This is a follow up to my previous post, but after the photographs I will be sharing a number of links as well. Here is some appropriately themed music once again – Igor Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”.


Immediatelty I had put up the previous post I set off on another walk. Although I did not manage to capture any more butterflies I did get plenty of splendid pictures.

Corn Exchange
The Corn Exchange


St Nicholas
St Nicholas Chapel
Cats on a pipe that crosses Bawsey Drain

DrakeMoorhen1sparrowsblackbirdDrake headMoorhen2

sunlight on water and exposed mud flats
The upper Purfleet following much needed clean up work.


This too has some photographic content. I made passing mention of a daft situation involving public transport in Norfolk in my post “Network Autism”, and now I am following up on it.

A return journey from King’s Lynn to Norwich on this style of bus, going by way of Fakenham, Lenwade, Hellesdon, Taverham and Drayton costs £5.50…
A return journey from King’s Lynn to Norwich on this type of bus, going by way of The Hardwick Industrial Estate, Middleton, Narborough, Swaffham, Dereham and Easton costs £11 – twice as much as in the other style of bus.

Although the routes taken differ, the distance covered and the time taken to cover that distance are similar, and therefore so too is the fuel consumption of the bus. The First Eastern Counties X1 route is available almost the whole day, whereas the Stagecoach X29 route is more restricted timewise, with the first bus leaving King’s Lynn at 6:28AM and the last return bus leaving Norwich at 5:20PM (and the other way around the restriction is greater because the depot is in King’s Lynn. 

This is the sort of nonsensical situation that can arise when public transport is in the hands of greedy profiteers rather than being publicly run and publicly accountable. There is no rational justification for the same journey costing twice as much by one route as by another like this.


For today this section divides into two subsections, starting with…


I start with a link to a post on Mamautistic, titled “Not an Excuse”. This post is liberally laced with links of its own that I recommend you to follow up. Click on the picture below to read it in full.

My remaining links in this section are to posts on thesilentwaveblog. First up is a post titled “Asperger’s / autism may not be a disability only (but we *do* need to treat it like one)”. Please click on the image below to read this post, which is detailed and well reasoned, in full.

Next comes a post with the title “When an “official” Asperger’s / autism diagnosis is just a formality”. This one is is super-detailed but very well worth the read. Once again, there is an image that I can use as the link.

Finally, to end this subsection, although I reblogged the magnificent ‘put the boot on the other foot’ type post “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Neurotypicality: a handbook on the rest of the world for Asperger’s / autistic people” earlier today it is so good that I feel another plug is in order, so if you have not already read it please click on the image below to rectify the omission.


I start this section with a horrifying story from The Canary about how some girls in Britain in 2017 are missing school because they cannot afford sanitary products. Click the image below to read this piece.

Girls are missing school because they can’t afford sanitary products. In Britain. In 2017.

My last two links go together – not only are both to pieces on Skwawkbox, both are to pieces about Tory election fraud:

  1. The first one is titled “#TORYELECTIONFRAUD JUSTICE REQUIRES FULL RECKONING, NOT #MCKINLAY AS SACRIFICIAL LAMB” – as usual I am using an image as the actual link.
  2. The second piece deals with a ‘tactic’ that the Tories are using as a supposed form of defence, and is titled “TORY ‘NO INTENT’ #ELECTIONFRAUD CONFIDENCE IS A NON-STARTER. HERE’S WHY”. Click the image below to read the piece.
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Special Post: An Autism Friendly Pantomime

A brief post about last nights autism friendly performance of Cinderella at the Corn Exchange, King’s Lynn.


Welcome to this post about last night’s autism friendly production of Cinderella at the Corn Exchange, King’s Lynn last night. I was there because NAS West Norfolk, of which I am branch secretary, had lavished some of its money on tickets for the evening – in total some 120 people who are either autistic themselves or were accompanying autistic family members took advantage of the opportunity. No photographs today, because the Corn Exchange forbids photography in the auditorium.


Yesterday was a working day for me, and heavy traffic on the way into King’s Lynn in the evening left me with less turnaround time than I would have liked. Nevertheless, I got to the venue, which is very close to my flat, in time to take my seat, although entering the building at 6:25 for a show starting at 6:30 is not the sort of timing I generally aim for!


An autism friendly performance means that the lights in the auditorium go down rather than right off for the show, that there are no sudden loud bangs or other noises etc. For more about autism friendly performances and how they can lead people to enjoy regular performances please visit this post.


The autism friendly aspect of the show was not the only adaptation the cast had made – they infused this fairy tale with some local colour which was extremely well received. The ugly sisters had us all laughing with their moaning about the inadequacy of King’s Lynn shops. Another good locally themed joke was in a journey scene when mention was made of “making up time once we hit the A47” – anyone who has travelled along said road, which was most of the audience, realised that this was the single most fictional line of the night!

Some of the special effects were superb, the acting was excellent, and it was an excellent evening. 


A brief account of yesterday;s episode of Antiques Road Trip, which featured both my home town and my employer. Also some photographs and some links.


Although I do have a few other things to share this post is mainly concerned with yesterday’s episode of Antiques Road Trip, which happened to feature an auction at Fakenham Racecourse (which took place on April 29th 2015).


Here is a link to last night’s episode:

For those who watch, I am the person in the red jacket sitting next to the auctioneer.

This was the start of a new week, so we were introduced to the two experts and shown the car that they would be using first. Then the buying part of the episode happened, which features some excellent footage of King’s Lynn among other places.

The episode concluded, as they all do, with the auction. While I do not know much about what happened to these items after the auction I can tell you that following a couple of other unsuccessful outings the baker’s scales are still on the James and Sons van.

The program was well made, and even though I of course already knew which items were destined to be bought for sale at that auction, nevertheless it held my attention all the way through.


I mentioned that there was some good footage from King’s Lynn on yesterday’s episode of Antiques Road Trip, and here some photos from King’s Lynn…

St Nicholas Chapel, taken in August
The Corn Exchange, also from August
The Custom House, from August
Taken yesterday
Taken yesterday
Taken yesterday
One of three images of the flag flying above King’s Lynn station, all taken yesterday
The Red Mount Chapel, taken yesterday


Taken yesterday
Taken yesterday
It is not often that a poll produces this result! – the story was about a Tory lord who was claiming that their daily allowance was insufficient!
The front of the Duke’s Head Hotel where the Positive Autism Awareness Conference will be happening on April 15th.


I conclude this post by sharing a few recent posts connected with my London transport themed website:

The Lost Property Office

Tube Strike over job cuts and ticket office closures – Vox Political

Tube strike over job cuts and ticket office closures – Guardian

My most recent original post – Chingford and Loughton

NAS West Norfolk AGM

An account the AGM of NAS West Norfolk, focussing on changes to the committee and an autism awareness event.


The AGM of the National Autistic Society West Norfolk branch took place last night at the scout hut on Beaulah Street, King’s Lynn. Obviously there are limits on what I can say about the meeting itself as some of the stuff talked about is confidential, but there is enough to say to make it worth posting about.


Although it was not very warm (this is an English October folks) I walked both ways, not being willing to fork over a bus fare for a journey of that length. For the walk there I headed across the upper Purfleet, down to the Tuesday Market Place and past St Nicholas Chapel to the town end of Bawsey Drain which I followed as far as Lynn Sport, from where I headed across open fields to the scout hut.

The moon over King's Lynn Minster, 6:15PM
The moon over King’s Lynn Minster, 6:15PM
The Corn Exchange lit up for the evening, circa 6:20PM
The Corn Exchange lit up for the evening, circa 6:20PM
St Nicholas Chapel against the darkening skies a couple of minutes later.
St Nicholas Chapel against the darkening skies a couple of minutes later.


We were meeting in a small side room off the main meeting area in this building. Once I had taken a suitable place in the meeting room there were a few minutes to kill before things got properly underway, so I bagged a few more photographs.

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For reasons I have already given I am only going to a mention afew things from the meeting itself. Two very long-serving committee members were stepping down, and naturally this was marked with a public thank you…

Delores and Kim with their thank you gifts.
Delores and Kim with their thank you gifts.

The new committee was chosen. Notable changes to the structure of the committee saw yours truly and Callum Brazzo (both adults who are #actuallyautistic) given roles as adult co-ordinators. As some of you on the other side of the Atlantic have reason to know, not all organisations which claim to be about helping autistic people are so good when it comes to actually involving autistic people in a meaningful way.

The new committee. Second from the right, in the black and green top is yours truly.
The new committee. Second from the right, in the black and green top is yours truly.

In April there will be an Auitism Awareness event taking place at thje Duke’s Head Hotel on the Tuesday Market Place, King’s Lynn. I will very likely be presenting a display the best of my photographs, probably as a slide show.


I headed back by the path I had not taken on the way there, and although it was of course pitch dark by this point I did get a few more pictures…


A mallard drake taken at night without the use of the flash.
A mallard drake taken at night without the use of the flash.
As we started with the Minster, so we finish there, with three shots of the son a lumiere display.
As we started with the Minster, so we finish there, with three shots of the son a lumiere display.

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A Trumpet Blast for the King’s Lynn Festival

An account of a concert at King’s Lynn Corn Exchange featuring Crispian Steele-Perkins, some links and some infographics.


Having put up three new posts about my experiences at Marxism 2015 today I decided a variation was called for, and fortunately, especially given the links and infographics I also intend to share I have the perfect change of tempo ready…


King’s Lynn’s historic corn exchange (see pics below) was last night the scene for a classical concert featuring that master of trumpet playing, Crispian Steele-Perkins.

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The first half of the evening, with Steele-Perkins the centre of attention was magnificent. I have only a few pics because there is a no photographs during the performance rule which I obeyed to the letter…

The auditorium
The auditorium
A close up of the stage.
A close up of the stage.


The tools of Steele-Perkins' trade - a coach horn (the same length of brass as an army bugle but dead straight rather than curved), a late 18th century trumpet, and smallest a 19th century trumpet.
The tools of Steele-Perkins’ trade – a coach horn (the same length of brass as an army bugle but dead straight rather than curved), a late 18th century trumpet, and smallest a 19th century trumpet.

Although I enjoyed the story behind the coach horn, and hearing said instrument played in the Mozart piece, the highlight of the entire event for me was the Haydn Trumpet Concerto, one of the greatest pieces ever composed for the instrument, and played quite magnificently.

In the second half there was no Steele-Perkins, and the quality was much less – there was one piece where one could not tell if it had been played well or badly so undistinguished was it.


There are so many links to be shared that I have split them into subsections, starting with…


The first petition I am sharing is the one calling for statistics on benefit-related deaths to be revealed. I have two links connected with this:

1)The Petition

2)A Huffington Post article connected to the above.

My second petition is the one on calling for automatic Group B Strep tests to reduce deaths of newborn babies.

My next offering is this from those who want to keep the National Gallery from being privatised.

Last and in the chief place in this subsection is the petition calling for clemency for William Underwood.


I shall lead into this little section with a piece showing just how low SeaWorld are prepared to stoop in their battle against those who dare oppose cruelty to Orcas.

Phuketbirdwatching introduced me a species of bird I had ot previously seen in this, their latest offering.

My next link is to a piece about the discovery of a new particle, the pentaquark.

Faraday’s Candle can be relied on for good stuff, and their take on Nasa’s recent Pluto fly-by is no exception.


First of all, a piece celebrating an event of 100 years ago.

My next piece, on dealing with London’s polluted air, is a must-read.

Huffington Post are back, with this piece which viciously exposes the misogynism and ignorance of UKIP’s Paul Nuttall.

My next two links are both to pieces from Socialist Worker:

1)On the home front, this piece about tube workers.

2)This about Iran.

Finally, chosen because it leads into the next section, this link to what will be my first infographic.


EU Principles Mhairi Black quote

It is not often that the S*n apologises, so we should make the most of it when ti does!
It is not often that the S*n apologises, so we should make the most of it when ti does!


I hope that you have enjoyed this post and will be encouraged to share it!

A Bloggers Bazaar

I will be starting as usual by sharing some important links, before moving on to some other stuff…


To start with, a reminder that the autistic community is still awaiting an apology from Katie Hopkins. On this topic, a prominent supporter of our campaign is Lucy Hawking, daughter of Stephen and mother of an autistic child – check out this piece.

Next comes some information about bumble bees.

My penultimate link is to a list of demands to the next government on behalf of disabled people.

Last of all, courtesy of the Anti-bulliying Alliance comes a suggested anti-bullying charter for use in schools.


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Close up of a swimming cormorant.
Close up of a swimming cormorant.



Middlesex demonstrated in their match against Durham that batting again rather than enforcing the follow-on is no guarantee against a disastrous collapse. Middlesex reached their eventual 2nd innings total of 83 only because Tim Murtagh, batting at no 11 and suffering with a hamstring strain top scored. Chris Rushworth and John Hastings each took five wickets in this remarkable display.

I was sitting outside listening to the commentary on this and periodically enhancing my collection of photos…

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My best aeroplane shot yet...
My best aeroplane shot yet…
...with this one a decent second
…with this one a decent second


Places to Visit in King’s Lynn

A personal (and therefore idiosyncratic) view of places to visit in King’s Lynn

I am inspired to write this because some pictures I posted on twitter helped to convince one of my followers (@MrStuchbery) that King’s Lynn would be worth a visit. Thus post will comprise a personal list of the places I think should not be missed on a visit to King’s Lynn:

  1. King’s Lynn Minster, nee St Margaret’s Church. This vast Norman edifice dominates the recently revamped Saturday Market Place, which is at one end of the High Street.
  2. The Custom House & Lower Purfleet. I am treating these two together because the Custom House backs on to the Lower Purfleet. The Custom House is King’s Lynn’s most iconic building and calls for little comment from me. As well as being generally scenic, the Lower Purfleet is home to two favourites of mine, the statue of Captain George Vancouver after whom the Canadian City is named and the compass shaped display of King’s Lynn navigators, including Friar Nicholas who may have reached the Americas over a hundred years before Christopher Columbus.
  3. The Tuesday Market Place. Revamped fairly recently and now possessing much more open space, this is surrounded on all sides by historic buildings, the Corn Exchange first among equals.
  4. St Nicholas’ Chapel. This building, currently under repair is remarkable both inside and out.
  5. Bawsey Drain. In spite of the uninspiring name and the fact that it is too often used as a dumping ground, a walk along the banks of this waterway, one of the four that keeps King’s Lynn from being submerged, can be very rewarding.
  6. Lynn Sport. This is a modern building, but outside it there are some interesting things, including a brick bus and a very ornate mile post. Also it represents the start of a parkland section of walking if you have gone out along Bawsey Drain.
  7. The Walks, The Red Mount Chapel, The Vancouver Garden, Guanock Gate and Seven Sisters. This parkland area is home to a wide variety of bird and animal life, the Red Mount Chapel and Guanock Gate are highly scenic, while leaving via Seven Sisters keeps on track for my next site. For more on the Red Mount Chapel, see the post dedicated to it in my series on Heritage Open Day:
  8. The South Gate. Rather than write further about this here, I simply direct you to the appropriate blog post:
  9. Harding’s Pits. This is lovely to walk through and it gets to you to the banks of the Great Ouse for you route back to the town, which is a useful bonus. There are various wooden sculptures that may take your fancy, and there will be trees laden with fruit at all times of the year.
  10. “Cormorant Platform”. Situated where the Nar joins the Ouse, I have named this structure in honour of its most frequent users, and if you are keen on bird life it provides many opportunities for superb pictures, with West Lynn Church on the opposite bank being ideally situated for providing a backdrop. Pictures from here feature regularly in my blog posts, e.g:
  11. Old Boal Quay/ The Dike. This immediately follows or precedes “Cormorant Platform” depending on your direction of travel, and is always enjoyable.
  12. The Millfleet and South Quay. This takes us back to the Lower Purfleet, and completes a long but manageable circuit. Between the carcass of Somerfeld and Thomas, Marriott’s Warehouse, the new jetty, and of course the Millfleet itself, the bridge over which is now adorned by a high water mark from the December 2013 storm surge this is a very interesting little area.
  13. King’s Lynn Public Library. This extraordinary building sits at the top end of Millfleet, looking across the start of the Broadwalk (another way in to the parkland areas). Adjacent to the library are the main King’s Lynn war memorial and Greyfriars Tower, the remnants of the Franciscan Friary.
  14. Separated from these by the width of Millfleet is the tiny Jewish Cemetery, worth a brief diversion because it is so unusual.
  15. Coming back to where we started, facing King’s Lynn Minster across the Saturday Market Place is the Guildhall, with its unique chessboard frontage. This is a building that everyone should see.
  16. Last of all, at the bus station you will find the Lynn Museum, prize exhibit “Sea Henge”.

I have some photos from today, which bear some relation to what I have been writing about…

A minor landmark that did not get mentioned in the test
A minor landmark that did not get mentioned in the test

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