Tory MP should ‘resign’ after faking death threat email from constituent |

Since I tweeted this half an hour ago it has been retweeted 18 times – clearly it is proving very popular…

Lucy Allan, Conservative MP for Telford, has been caught out after adding a ‘death threat’ to the end of an email she received from a constituent. Adam Waitling, 27, who was writing using the pseudonym ‘Rusty Shackleford’, emailed Mrs Allan regarding the vote to bomb Syria. Mrs Allan posted an excerpt of the email to

Source: Tory MP should ‘resign’ after faking death threat email from constituent |

NAS West Norfolk

An account of a couple recent events run by NAS West Norfolk, with some photographs.


This post covers two recent events run by the National Autistic Society West Norfolk branch. Read, enjoy and please share!


On Sunday a Christmas Fayre took place at Walton Highway Village Club  (a few miles outside the town of Wisbech) raising funds for NAS West Norfolk. Judging from the hour or so during which I was present it was an extraordinarily successful event – the place was heaving, and lots of stuff was sold at the various stalls, including two bespoke calendars, each of which raised £5 for NAS West Norfolk.


This took place today at 12:00 (I had booked a day’s leave for the occasion) at the Lynn Restaurant. Although this is situated practically underneath my flat I did not, as people who live closest to venues often seem to, arrive last.

As part of the festivity we were doing a ‘secret Santa’ whereby we each bought someone whose name we had been given a gift, and had to ensure that they did not know who it was from. This went splendidly. I have put up a post about the gift I received on and suggest that you visit this post for more information. The gift that I had purchased as part of this was probably the second most popular behind the one I received!

The picture I took of the other diners in our group.
The photo that includes me.
Secret Santa struck gold with this gift!

Incidentally, the picture above was my second shot at the Tea Towel, the first had been spoilt by the fact that the lens was steamed up. I cleaned it up and tried again (using nothing more sophisticated than a Glasses Wipe – £1.49 for a box of 54 wipes from King’s Lynn LIDL).

I opted for garlic bread to start, followed by spaghetti Bolognese. Both were excellent.