Spring is Here

Before I get to the main meat of this post I have some links to share.


First of all, here is a very interesting and important blog post from Paddy-Joe Moran. Next, courtesy of 38 degrees comes a short video. Cosmos Up produces a variety of interesting stories about a wide range of subjects, and the one I have chosen to share concerns oceans elsewhere than on our own planet. There are actually two outcomes that will be decided by a votes counted up on May 7th, the second being the vote for Britain’s national bird (my choice is pictured below)


My next story comes from the Independent and concerns tougher penalties for dog walkers who do not scoop when the animal poops – excellent so long as the get enforced – see if you agree by reading the article. This section ends with a splendid graphic, which is shown here, but as it is not my own I have also included a link to the original.Graphic


Today, for the first time in 2015, I am making use of the ‘outside study area’ of my flat…

The 'outside study area'
The ‘outside study area’
A close up of the picture on my outside table - still in good condition after a winter outside.
A close up of the picture on my outside table – still in good condition after a winter outside.

The cricket season is under way, although England are in the West Indies for a series starting later this afternoon. A certain K P Pietersen started his season for Surrey by hammering 170 at The Parks yesterday. I suspect that it will take several more innings of similar magnitude before the England selectors display any inclination to take the slightest bit of notice of him.

The comparison between yesterday and today is shown up well by these pictures taken along the same stretch of the Great Ouse…

The next four pictures you will see were taken yesterday.
The next four pictures you will see were taken yesterday.

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The next three pictures were taken today.
The next three pictures were taken today.

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I have some more splendid pics to share with you to finish this post…

The survey boat the features in the next three pictures was around yesterday.
The survey boat the features in the next three pictures was around yesterday.

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West Lynn church.
West Lynn church.

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