Cricket Season Underway

As so often I have things to share with you before moving on to the main meat of my post…


First of all I wish to share several important petitions that I hope you will sign and share:

I hope that you, as I have, will sign and share all of these.

My next offering is evidence in the form of transcripts from the Marr show that Mr Cameron is guilty of a large number of murders. The evidence is presented by Mike Sivier on Vox Political.

Changing topic completely, here is an account of a performance of a new opera by one of its stars, Charlotte Hoather.

My penultimate item in this section is a post from Atheist Republic.

Last of all, a campaign set up by parents of disabled children in Sefton, SOS Transport Sefton. For full information check out their blog runawaybus. I urge you to read the blog, and connect with the campaign – these people need support.


In between the two text parts of this blog I have some pictures, the first of which is not of my own creation…

This wonderful election poster deserves to be shared widely.
This wonderful election poster deserves to be shared widely.
The next four pics are of plants growing in my Aunt's pots, which I am attending to while she is out of the country.
The next four pics are of plants growing in my Aunt’s pots, which I am attending to while she is out of the country.

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Humber Guardian still moored in King's Lynn
Humber Guardian still moored in King’s Lynn

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A harbinger of things to come - "Cormorant Platform", at point where the Nar flows into the Ouse.
A harbinger of things to come – “Cormorant Platform”, at point where the Nar flows into the Ouse.


The English cricket season is underway, and that the moment I am listening to commentary of Glamorgan v Surrey in the county championship. The match to date has been dominated by the batting of Sangakkara (149) and Davies (now past 150 and still going), as Surrey are piling on the runs. Newly at the wicket following the dismissal of Sangakkara is Jason Roy, who could produce some serious fireworks.

Although,the Test team looks reasonably settled there simply have to be vacancies in the England one day side – the performance in the World Cup that has just concluded was so abysmal that there is no option but to find new players.

Time now for some more pics to finish this post…

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It wasn't just sea birds that were enjoying the Nar Outfall
It wasn’t just sea birds that were enjoying the Nar Outfall

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First time I've managed to get a swimming cormorant - they dive under so often that they are rarely visible long enough to photograph while swimming.
First time I’ve managed to get a swimming cormorant – they dive under so often that they are rarely visible long enough to photograph while swimming.

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Please share widely!!