Neurotribes (Book Review)

A review of a book that will surely come to be regarded as a landmark in the history of writing about Autism.


Another Christmas present, this time a copy of Steve Silberman’s “Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and how to Think Smarter About People who Think Differently”.


I was delighted to receive a copy of this book. I had heard good things about it, and I noted instantly the presence of a foreword by Oliver Sacks (if you have not yet read Uncle Tungsten I suggest you rectify the omission asap) which could not do other than improve the quality of what was on offer.

It is beautifully and clearly written, providing a detailed history of the development of Autism research and the understanding of Autism from the disastrous early theories of Kanner and Bettelheim which caused a vast amount of unnecessary suffering through to the present era.

Of course there are still many many problems with the way autistic people are treated. Here in the UK for example 75% of adults with an Autistic Spectrum Condition are unemployed and a good portion of the remaining 25% (including me) are in low paid and/ or part time jobs.

If you are interested in a warts-and-all history of Autism and Autism research this book is a must-read. Although as understandings change over time there will be additions to this book I do not foresee any need of subtractions.


Sunday Snippets

An account of yesterday, with some good pictures. Also some high quality links and infographics.


Although some of the links I have were located this morning, this blog post is really, as the title suggests, about yesterday.


My walk started with the parkland. There is always plenty to see there, and although it was to elusive to capture on camera, I even got a glimpse of a water vole before it darted under cover. Still I did get some good photos…

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I left the parkland via the Seven Sisters gate and headed past the South Gate and thence to the river via Hardings Pits, which at this time of year means one thing to a photographer…


There were many  of these creatures in evidence, and I was able to get several good photos…

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The river although not at particularly high tide was looking splendid…

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Of course no walk along the Great Ouse would be complete without…


This structure, which I have named for the birds that are its most distinctive users was once again proving popular…

DSCN4418 DSCN4419 DSCN4423 DSCN4424 DSCN4426 Back in the heart of the town, there were many boats in evidence. One was a small family owned boat using the jetty, and there were various research vessels, at least one of which was owned by company called Gardline

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A Sunday lunch in East Rudham and afternoon spent sat out in the sun were both very enjoyable, and the latter yielded some good pictures…

I had noted a while previously that this £2 coin had a special picture on its reverse (the obverse was the usual prrofile of a ludicrously over privileged woman) and so I picked a suitable moment at which to photograph it.
I had noted a while previously that this £2 coin had a special picture on its reverse (the obverse was the usual prrofile of a ludicrously over privileged woman) and so I picked a suitable moment at which to photograph it.
Wild marjoram, freshly harvested for use in cooking.
Wild marjoram, freshly harvested for use in cooking.
Wild marjoram serving its principle function as a bee magnet.
Wild marjoram serving its principle function as a bee magnet.

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Arriviing back in King’s Lynn I bagged a few photos on the way home. A quick check on the computer revealed the Australia had emerged from their tour match at Northampton with a draw – cause for celebration on their part given recent events!

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I have a variety of links to share with you, starting with several about…


This section opens with a link to today’s issue of The Sparks of Autism. From that splendid online compilation I have singled out one piece for special mention, which started life as a blog post by gymbunnymummy entitled “20 things not to say to a parent of a child with autism“. My next autism related piece is a story about a Russian supermodel standing up for her autistic sister after the latter was refused service at a cafe. I end this little section with a link to a campaign on to get “Avonte’s Law” passed.


I take the opportunity of having this section to once again remind people of the project to create a museum that really is about the women of East London. My next two links belong together:

My final link in this section is to a petition calling on Amazon to stop selling books by Roosh V


My science related links are four in total:


My final three links are all political in nature. Firstly, from disclaimermag comes this piece entitled “The Loathsome Linguistic Wriggles of Officer Involved Shootings”. My next link comes courtesy of Vox Political and is entitled “Browns Speech Unintentionally in Support of Corbyn”. Finally, courtesy of primepolitics comes this piece entitled “time to bring politics into the 21st century” which also serves as a useful to segue to my final section containing…


MSMV NHS Cuts UAF Triumph