More research, the Great Centenary Auction etc

First up can you spot the deliberate mistake in the following “email address”:

I would not have been fooled by this one even without the deliberate error, but unlike other variations which are merely tedious this one gave me a least a bit of a smile.

One of the things I have been doing recently is attending to my aunt’s plants while she is away, and I am delighted to report that a planted out bit of rose which gave little sign of being alive when I started is now showing definite hints of new growth.

I am continuing to work away on the social media side of things for the Great Centenary Auction, and am making sure to mention it any time I get a chance. If you have not already like please do so. Unfortunately the website is still not properly up and running, but those of you into twitter can visit

Just a few pictures this time…

Definite signs of new growth here!
Definite signs of new growth here!
