New donations for Great Centenary Auction and Archant are on board

The Great Centenary Auction continues to gather momentum. Among recent donations are a bayonet and complete run of World War One magazines.

I am holding fire on the magazines because one of the other people involved in this has an artist friend who may be doing a painting based on one of them, but the bayonet is on facebook and twitter, and I have sent out a press release about it, with the enthusiastic approval of Lord Townshend at whose home the Auction will be taking place.

Also, following a meeting at way higher levels than those I operate at, Archant who publish most of Norfolk’s local newspapers are backing us 100%, and there will be an article appearing in the near future about the Canadian Cross which was the subject of my first press release.

If you have not already liked and or followed please do so.

As usual I have some added media for you, mainly images for James and Sons’ June sale but also the bayonet press release…

ONE DOWN 299 TO GO 18 19 21 23 27 29 31 34 47

More research, the Great Centenary Auction etc

First up can you spot the deliberate mistake in the following “email address”:

I would not have been fooled by this one even without the deliberate error, but unlike other variations which are merely tedious this one gave me a least a bit of a smile.

One of the things I have been doing recently is attending to my aunt’s plants while she is away, and I am delighted to report that a planted out bit of rose which gave little sign of being alive when I started is now showing definite hints of new growth.

I am continuing to work away on the social media side of things for the Great Centenary Auction, and am making sure to mention it any time I get a chance. If you have not already like please do so. Unfortunately the website is still not properly up and running, but those of you into twitter can visit

Just a few pictures this time…

Definite signs of new growth here!
Definite signs of new growth here!
