A productive day at James and Sons

Very little imaging to do today, but there was all involved quality items. I put out two press releases, one mainly targeting organisations with an interest in aviation history and focussing on the propeller, and a general press release about the auction taking place at Raynham Hall as a trial run for the big event (will soon be communicating these details on the appropriate facebook and twitter pages). Note for my newer followers/ those who have more recently liked my posts: I would be even more grateful if you could like the facebook page I have linked to above and/ or follow the twitter page.

Now for the images and links to the press releases…

This little brass clock with visible mechanism and very battered carrying case appealed strongly.
This little brass clock with visible mechanism and very battered carrying case appealed strongly.

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Watches like this one caused me grief with the old camera - no probs with this one.
Watches like this one caused me grief with the old camera – no probs with this one.


This Chinese tea set required security measures - each part of individually bubble-wrapped, then a top layer of bubble wrap to house it more safely in the very stout box I selected with care, and then black marker pen to indicate the lot number and most importantl;y the word FRAGILE!!
This Chinese tea set required security measures – each part of individually bubble-wrapped, then a top layer of bubble wrap to house it more safely in the very stout box I selected with care, and then black marker pen to indicate the lot number and most importantl;y the word FRAGILE!!


Wimbledon and other stuff

First up, before I get to the main meat of this post, a considered retrospective on the conclusion of the first test. While I give Moeen Ali full credit for his maiden test century and for taking England to within the proverbial hairs breadth (two possible balls remaining in the match when Anderson was finally out) of escaping from a match that they really surrendered in the second and third sessions of the penultimate day, I consider the final result to have been what England deserved.

Wimbledon is under way, and I spent an enjoyable afternoon yesterday listening to the play. Andy Murray looked every inch the defending champion in winning his second round match with only two games going against him, and there were several other good matches. Alhtough I am normally studious in avoiding any mention of the f-game in this blog, I could not avoid hearing about Luis Suarez’s latest (alleged) felony yesterday. My only comment is: if he is guilty, then given the nature of the offence and his previous record, there can be only one punishment: A worldwide lifetime ban from the sport that made him a rich, spoilt brat.

The Great Auction facebook page continues to gain new likes.

As usual I have some fine pictures for you…

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Stepping into a real life Downton Abbey scenario and imaging (and a bit more cricket)

First up this morning was a meeting at Raynham Hall to discuss progress on the Great Centenary Charity Auction. Unfortunately our gracious host Lord Townshend was not able to participate owing to a mishap involving an overflowing bath and damage to a ceiling. In a stately home that dates back to the time of Queen Anne such matters are cause for extra angst as there are fewer people capable of performing the necessary repairs.

We have a rather spectacular lot no 12 in our July auction, which to remind you all takes place at the hall as a dress rehearsal for the Great Centenary Auction in September. We have a wooden aeroplane propeller dating from 1935, and with two inscriptions on its centrepiece. The full photo gallery I assembled is included in the added media. Although I have included a link to it, the website for the Great Centenary Auction is going to be out of action tomorrow and Thursday while it is redesigned. Our facebook and twitter pages are very much still up and running though, and visitors, follows and/ or likes would be most welcome.

The final day of the test match is going less ignominiously for England than I feared (ie it is still going on), but the damage was all done yesterday, first by poor tactics in the field and then by a disgraceful effort with the bat. If England do somehow wriggle free of the noose Sri Lanka can count themselves victims of an injustice.

Now for the promised photos…

The propeller mentioned in the text.
The propeller mentioned in the text.

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Of the three montages I created I like this one best, so will be using it on  facebook and twitter (and in a specialist press release I shall craft on Thursday)
Of the three montages I created I like this one best, so will be using it on facebook and twitter (and in a specialist press release I shall craft on Thursday)
I have also included the full gallery for this coin lot (This image, the closed cigar box and a half dozen particular curious coins that I scanned at 400 DPI
I have also included the full gallery for this coin lot (This image, the closed cigar box and a half dozen particular curious coins that I scanned at 400 DPI

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Imaging, Tomorrows Auction and a dress rehearsal at Raynham Hall

Having gone in for what I imagined would be a short sessions on Wednesday to prepare some publicity materials for my employer and ended up spending half a day, and then spending some of the Thursday morning printing said publicity materials (a poster and a leaflet which is a smaller sized version of the poster), I have still done quite a lot of imaging for the July auction.

Tomorrow the June auction will take place at the Maids Head Hotel in Norwich but I am taking this opportunity to put out a newsflash about the July auction: It will be happening at Raynham Hall as a dress rehearsal for the Great Centenary Auction, not Fakenham racecourse as previously advertised. Fortunately, as you will see from the selection of images I am displaying with this post, we have some very interesting stuff going in this auction.

A couple of the items I am putting up in the added media will only be available to those of you on a computer with Publisher installed on it, while all the rest is as normal:

The uniform at the heart of the poster and leaflet campaign.
The uniform at the heart of the poster and leaflet campaign.

GCA Shopping List




















Cricket, Imaging Auction Lots and a bit more

Another day, another collection of splendid pictures.

I notice that England are going well in the first test match of the summer, having bounced back from a decidedly shaky 120-4 to 575-9d – and that after being put into bat. Joe Root with 200 not out played the big innings around which others, notably Prior (86), Moeen Ali (48), Broad (47) and Plunkett (39) could chip in. Tomorrow I will actually be able to listen the play, and it promises to be an interesting day.

At James and Sons I have been imaging lots for the July sale (PR drive coming soon), and have some interesting pictures from that. I also have some non-work pictures for you. I was also given r3esponsibility for safely storing three pieces of Chester silver which will be lots 1-3 at that sale.

If you should chance to visit www.facebook.com/GreatAuction you will see one picture that I have posted today, and there is another scheduled for this evening. Also of course do not forget www.twitter.com/great_auction and of course extra detail, including ideas for donations, and how you could make such donations can be seen at www.greatcharity.org

Now for the pictures…


I decided to include the whole gallery for this Daguerrotype from the US Civil War
I decided to include the whole gallery for this Daguerrotype from the US Civil War

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A Hectic Day at James and Sons

Today has been a busy day at James and Sons, with lots coming in for the July sale, and needing imaging. I have some cracking photos, including one which I have used as a marketing ploy on the Great Centenary Auction facebook and twitter pages, giving people a link to follow to find out how to donate if they are so minded, which I now repeat here: http://bit.ly/1l53uOh. As usual I have some pictures for you…

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Catalogue out and more photography

Thank you to all of you who have liked previous posts on this blog, and a bigger thank you to those of you have been kind enough to hit the follow button.

The catalogue for the June sale of James and Sons is now out, and can be viewed online by following the link provided.

I spent much of yesterday doing stuff on the Database, so I have not got many work images to show, but I have plenty of others, one of which (of Fakenham war memorial) I will be uploading on www.facebook.com/GreatAuction and of course mentioning on www.twitter.com/great_auction. As well as my usual type of photo, I have a collection of banknotes which will be lot 37 in the upcoming auction, and some books which have not yet been assigned to a particular auction but which I imaged at the same time as doing the describing.

Enjoy the images…

Banknotes ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? AUCTION ALERT

A busy day at James and Sons

The process of imaging lots for the June sale continues. The catalogue has gone to the printers (proof read and corrected by me first), and should be available for distribution by Wednesday at latest. I did a very varied lot of imaging of today, using both scanner and camera. One of my images shows two sheets of stamps of different sizes, which were imaged by different methods. The scanned sheet of stamps were penny rose reds, while the larger photographed sheet were penny red browns.

At this auction I will be running the auction side of my database live for the first time, thus moving a step closer to the time when my system does everything.

Things are starting to move on the social media side of the Great Centenary Auction, with http://www.facebook.com/GreatAuction having over doubled its tally of likes in the last week, and http://www.twitter.com/great_auction steadily increasing its number of followers.

Enjoy some high quality images of stuff that will be going under the hammer at the Maids Head Hotel, Norwich on June 21st…

296 305 313 328 340 415 ?????????? 475 477 478 479 480 ?????????? Juxtaposition.