Sunday Spectacular

Some good links, including to a Tory candidate who showed who not to deal with the EDL – and a corresponding link to how to do so. A stack of splendid pictures from yesterday.

Another multi-part post – a links section, a section on King’s Lynn in the morning, a brief East Rudham section (I will be doing another post on the architectural features of a Norfolk village theme) and a section on King’s Lynn in the evening.

LINKS The first of several stories about the Tory candidate in Dudley North dickering with the EDL. For an example of the correct way to deal with the EDL check out–xJ71_M6MRx A campaign that I have been involved with since it began. I have contacted my Labour, Green and #FibDem candidates. Both the Green and Labour candidates are on side (the Green virtually had to be, and no one who knows Jo Rust would expect anything less of her) while the #FibDem has not responded as yet. A blog from a professional musician. One of my more recent followers on @aspitweets An honourable mention for yours truly.


A somewhat late start meant that I missed the 9:25 bus so had to get the 11:55. In the interim I took a walk, divided by a stop at my aunt’s to water the plants and check that everything was OK. It was obviously going to be a splendid day for photography but I did not yet realise quite how splendid. Up to leaving my aunt’s house I had a few decent pictures…

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The Great Ouse beyond my Aunt’s house provided the first clue as to how good the day would be, when “Cormorant Platform” provided some excellent pics…

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Heading back towards the bus station I crossed the Nar, which provided these crackers…

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Walking through the parklands to the town centre I collected some more fine pics…

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Even the bus stations and the bus journey were not complete blanks…

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Decorative brickwork is a regular feature of the houses on the way out to the hospital (yes that was shot through the window of a bus)
Decorative brickwork is a regular feature of the houses on the way out to the hospital (yes that was shot through the window of a bus)

Although I am preserving many of my East Rudham pictures for another post, some belong here…

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This rabbit was too far away to produce a really excellent picture but as the local landowner goes by the name of Mr McGregor I could not resist including it.
This rabbit was too far away to produce a really excellent picture but as the local landowner goes by the name of Mr McGregor I could not resist including it.

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Because it was bright and sunny outside I got off the bus early, in Gaywood, and walked through the parkland to get home. This last little outdoors session provided a shot of Britain’s national bird to be, my best capture of flying aeroplane to date and some splendid shots of local landmarks…

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Even after I got home there was one more classic moment – “red sky at night: shepherd’s delight”…


Combined Christmas Meal for James and Sons & The Great Centenary Charity Auction

The combined Christmas lunch for James and Sons & The Great Centenary Charity Auction took place at the Thai Restaurant in central Fakenham, just a few doors down from James and Sons own premises. This event has already been covered on facebook, @great_auction and @aspitweets but this account will deal with it a little more fully.

A total of 17 people were able to come to the meal, and both the food and the service were above reproach. My spare ribs and sweet & sour pork were both well spiced but not such as to cause problems, while the egg fried rice was dry and not remotely sticky, and offered a tiny amount of resistance to the teeth, so had not been cooked to death. The available range of drinks was narrow and not very suitable for me – I would not generally choose canned John Smiths but nothing else they had looked remotely drinkable. Overall I think it is a perfectly respectable establishment and I hope it survives the arrival in Fakenham of J D Wetherspoon, who as usual have everyone beaten on price. It cannot however even be considered the best Thai in Northwest Norfolk – Thams of West Rudham has that distinction, although they are quite expensive.

In other news yet another exposure for the Union of Knaves, Idiots and Parasites (UKIP for short): Tommy Robinson, former leader of the Evil Dimwits League (EDL) has thrown his lot in with them.

I have some photos to share, as always…


The first shot from the restaurant.
The first shot from the restaurant.

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A tree lit up for Christmas, outside Hollywood Central Cinema.
A tree lit up for Christmas, outside Hollywood Central Cinema.
An aeroplane framed by lines of Christmas lights
An aeroplane framed by lines of Christmas lights
Christmas lights in King's Lynn
Christmas lights in King’s Lynn
Single star, King's Lynn
Single star, King’s Lynn