Taking Part in a Research Project

Yesterday I travelled to Norwich to take part in a research project relating to Asperger’s Syndrome/ Autistic Spectrum Conditions. The project, being run by Graham Bradley of UEA, involved three stages: an abbreviated version of the diagnostic test that confirms whether or not one is on the spectrum, then a two part intelligence/ reasoning test, first attempting to define words and then a pattern recognition exercise (I was got by one word, pavid, but as you might expect handled the pattern recognition exercise with considerable ease), the final part of the session being a computer based exercise, again themed on pattern recognition. This last involved identifying the letter H or L according to what came up on the screen. The two fundamental variants: sometimes the key letter was a large letter made up of a collection of smaller (irrelevant) letters organised in appropriate array, and sometimes it was the smaller letters that were key and the large letter they formed that was irrelevant.

Anyone who is able to get to Norwich and interested in taking part in this project can contact Graham Beales. His email address is G.Beales@uea.ac.uk and he can also be contacted on 07851 319347.

I do also have some pictures for you…

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This is a sample of my aunt's knitting skill - these pieces will form a blanket.
This is a sample of my aunt’s knitting skill – these pieces will form a blanket.
Swaffham church on a sunny but cold day
Swaffham church on a sunny but cold day
This is from just beyond Swaffham
This is from just beyond Swaffham
This shot was taken in Hockering.
This shot was taken in Hockering.
The first of the Norwich shots
The first of the Norwich shots

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Full circle - this set of pictures started in King's Lynn and we are back there now with the Christmas lights.
Full circle – this set of pictures started in King’s Lynn and we are back there now with the Christmas lights.


Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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