Two Days at James and Sons

Yesterday at James and Sons was devoted to finishing the imaging for the January auction (Jan 28th 2014, Fakenham Racecourse). It is in the nature of last items to be imaged that they are not the most interesting, but there were some good ones in there…

This is one of five images of lot 324
This is one of five images of lot 324
This is one of five images from lot 325.
This is one of five images from lot 325.

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The next four images are of lot 601
The next four images are of lot 601

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This is lot 736 - the map is in the frame at right angles to the normal orientation.
This is lot 736 – the map is in the frame at right angles to the normal orientation.
The next five images are from lot 780. a giant scrapbook full of beer mats
The next five images are from lot 780. a giant scrapbook full of beer mats

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????Today however was a much more varied day. The morning was devoted to the heavy work of clearing the alleyway behind the shop (our neighbours in Fakenham who I won’t name had failed a fire inspection). Thereafter a new advertising board to replace the clapped out and out of date one was constructed (I did some of the selection and layout work, my colleague Andrew then assembled it) – I have a picture of it laid out ready for construction and one of it standing in the shop window, both of which I have tweeted out to my followers on @aspitweets…

The new advertising board, ready for assembly.
The new advertising board, ready for assembly.
The new advertising board in the shop window.
The new advertising board in the shop window.

The imaging for February only involved four lots, but some needed multiple images as you will see below…

The first four images are of Lot 1 in the February auction
The first four images are of Lot 1 in the February auction


The next two images are from lot 103
The next two images are from lot 103
This postcard album is lot 102 in the February auction.
This postcard album is lot 102 in the February auction.

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Lot 101 for February warranted no fewer than eight images.
Lot 101 for February warranted no fewer than eight images.

1c ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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