James and Sons: Auction and Aftermath

An account of James and Sons’ July Auction and its aftermath, with plenty of pictures. Also a mention of a Calendar being sold by The Art of Autism.


This post, with one exception, deals exclusively with yesterday and todat at James and Sons. The exception which I shall deal with now is a link that will be appearing again in this blog. The Art of Autism are selling 2016 calendars for $12 each. If this takes your fancy, more detail is available in their post announcing the offer. I will be doing a more substantial blog post later.

A picture to show you why as well as wishing to support the activity I am genuinely enthused by this calendar.
A picture to show you why as well as wishing to support the activity I am genuinely enthused by this calendar.


Being in Norwich, the auction necessitated a seriously early start (certainly ridiculous o’clock, possibly even qualifying as ludicrous o’clock), but being a fairly small auction it finished reasonably early, and I was home only twelve and a half hours after having set off (for a Norwich auction that is not too bad).

There were some spectacular triumphs, some flops and lots of middle of the road sales. Old football programmes fared well, one which  was not expected to get more than £10 going for £28. Overall, it was a successful sale, and here are some pictures from yesterday…

This little display section was organised by me
This little display section was organised by me
The arrowheads in their new home.
The arrowheads in their new home.
Not an auction pic, buth I just had to include the rainbow flag fluttering from Norwich Castle.
Not an auction pic, buth I just had to include the rainbow flag fluttering from Norwich Castle.
A close up shot with the cover of the display case removed.
A close up shot with the cover of the display case removed.
The obsidian arrowheads found a good home!
The obsidian arrowheads found a good home!

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Reoghrnasing these display boxes to better effect.
Reoghrnasing these display boxes to better effect.
Two gold coins, which sold very well.
Two gold coins, which sold very well.
The whole auction in all it's glory
The whole auction in all it’s glory


Most of my day at work today was taken up with making sure I had full and accurate records of all the people who had registered bid online via the-saleroom but I did also get some work done on the August sale, imaging a couple of new lots and locating images in our archive of items that were being given another chance to sell…

4 4a 4b 4c 195 349

These Pevsner's are in impeccable condition - let's hope it is second tiem lucky for them.
These Pevsner’s are in impeccable condition – let’s hope it is second tiem lucky for them.

552 561 564


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Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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