Sunday in Cornwall

The Sunday of my Cornish holiday.


We have reached the Sunday of my Cornish holiday. I am going to cover the day in three sections for reasons that will become apparent as the post develops.


From my point of view most of this day was taken up with editing my pictures from the previous day’s excursion (see here and here), but Fort Picklecombe also provides regular opportunities for taking photographs, and I also took a number of these opportunities. 

HarbourBreakwaterBreakwater IILighthouse and sailboatShip and breakwaterFlying birdBird flying near breakwater

We were going out for Sunday lunch, and at about 12:15 we got ready to leave. We were lunching at an establishment that doubles as an art gallery and is located in a set of Nissen huts in a village called Maker. Here is their Sunday menu:


In the event we did not have starters, and each of us went for a different main course – I went for the slow-roasted pork shoulder, my father for the beef and my mother for the hake. It was a long wait to be served, but that was because they were cooking the vegetables from fresh. The pork was excellently cooked, with crackling that was both crunchy and flavoursome, and the vegetables were excellent. The roast potatoes however were not as good as they would have been had I cooked them – the potatoes had been peeled but not chopped, hence were very large and therefore somewhat lacking in the crunch factor. Overall, considering all factors, I rate this meal at 7.5/10. Here are the rest of my pictures from lunchtime:

MakerThe CanteenRuin

Nissen Huts
A good picture of the Nissen hut in which we ate.


Our Table
Our table.

Tree PicSea view pic

Nissen Hut PIc
A bad picture of a Nissen hut (as you will note not much of the art on display here could really be considered good).

MapYYSea ViewSea View IIThrough the treesLake view

Then it was back to the fort, and back to photo-editing, although in between editing pictures from the previous day I captured some…


Rainbow IRainbow IIRainbow IIIRainbow IVRainbow VRainbow VIRainbow VIIDouble Rainbow IRainbow IXRainbow XRainbow XI

Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

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