Musical Keys and Birds

A brief account of Musical Keys and some bird pictures.


Saturday was a music day, and I have plenty of pictures to share from recent days.


These sessions are organised for the benefit of autistic people, so before I get into the meat of this section here is stimtheline’s magnificent Autistic Bill of Rights:

Autistic Bill of

The Korg is a very sophisticated machine (for classical music enthusiasts it looks a 21st century version of a clavichord, but it does so much more). I will let the photographs tell the story (I got most of these by playing with my left hand while using the camera with my right FYI):

Korg IKorg IIKorg IIIKorg IVKorg VKorg VIKorg VIIKorg VIIIKorg IXKorg X


We start with the largest bird to be a regular feature of life in Britain – the mute swan:


Next we come to a much smaller species, which I have not previously captured on camera, a little wader called a turnstone (I seem to recall that a few years back The Lynn News had a columnist who used Turnstone as a nom de plume):

Turnstone ITurnstone II

Further along the Great Ouse and on the side of the river were a few specimens of a larger bird that is not a regular sight in these parts – the greylag goose:

Greylag geese

We end with a couple of cormorant shots:

Cormorant CSwimming cormorant



Author: Thomas

I am a founder member and currently secretary of the West Norfolk Autism Group and am autistic myself. I am a very keen photographer and almost every blog post I produce will feature some of my own photographs. I am an avidly keen cricket fan and often post about that sport.

13 thoughts on “Musical Keys and Birds”

  1. About the birds-do you get to see Mandarin ducks where you live? They’re my favorite kind of bird

    1. Thge Korg music centre that I used on Saturday actually belongs to Musical Keys – I was merely sampling it – still I am glad that you were impressed by it since it is a splendid piece of kit.

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