A Very Varied Day’s Work

Accounts of some elements of yesterday at work, some important petitions, a couple of autism related links and some cracking pictures.


Apart from a substantial links section, this post focuses on yesterday at work. I hope that you will enjoy it and that some of you will be encouraged to share.


The catalogue for James and Sons’ auction on Wednesday is now out in print form. It can also be viewed online at the-saleroom.com

Our feature image!
Our feature image!

The auction will taking place at the Maids Head Hotel in Norwich, and those who cannot be there but see something of interest can bid online via the-saleroom or Delcampe or leave bids with us either by emailing admin@jamesandsonsnorfolk.com or phoning 01328 855003.


One of the tasks I was given yesterday was answering a query about one of our lots in the next sale. The  request was for some extra images, and here is how I resolved it…

This is the image that is available online.
This is the image that is available online.

317J5 317J4 317J3 317J2

And close-ups of each
And close-ups of each
The selection I chose to serve as highlights.
The selection I chose to serve as highlights.


My selection of links divides into two subsections, a selection of important petitions and a couple of autism related pieces.


The first petition I have for you comes via change.org and is aimed at putting pressure on Pakistan to overturn Asia Bibi’s death sentence.

My next petition grew out of a Freedom of Information request submitted by Mike Sivier of Vox Political regarding deaths following the stopping of benefits. I have two links relating to this:

1)The petition itself

2)An accompanying blog post by Maggie Zolobajluk

My next petition is one that has already achieved its original goal but is being used as a jumping off point for tackling similar behaviour by an authority in Kent:

1)The original petition

2)An article on kentonline.

Last and in the chief place among the petitions is Joanne Fowler’s petition motivated by the needless suffering inflicted on her father in his last years


My first piece in this section comes from Dr Lisa Sulsenti, who runs an autism related facebook group of which I am a member and takes the form of an open letter to someone who responded badly to an autistic child in a restaurant.

Secondly, here is Autism Mom’s latest offering.


I conclude this post with pictures of some of the items I imaged for our August auction (26th, Fakenham Racecourse)…

Lot 5, a very fancy boxed Meerschaum
Lot 5, a very fancy boxed Meerschaum


This metal strong box is lot 337
This metal strong box is lot 337
This wooden cabinet type box is lot 339
This wooden cabinet type box is lot 339

339a 339b

This British made tobacco shredder is lot 340
This British made tobacco shredder is lot 340

340a 340b

This clock is lot 343
This clock is lot 343
A close up of the face.
A close up of the face.
The mechanism
The mechanism