Channel Islands 14: Iron Age Burial Chamber

Continuing my account of my holiday in the channel islands with a look at Le Dehus Dolmen.

My account of my holiday in the Channel Islands has reached the final full day we spent on Guernsey.


Not relishing a shopping trip on the Friday morning I stayed at the hotel and caught up with my photo editing. Lunch was a picnic which we consumed in my parent’s room at that establishment. From there we set off for our last excursion of the holiday, taking a bus to the nearest point to our target that we could get to and then seeking out Le Dehus Dolmen, an ancient but very well preserved burial mound/chamber. It is not terribly well signposted and we had a couple of false starts, but we did locate it, and it was worth all the trouble (plus we saw some interesting stuff while locating it). We walked back to a point where there would be more buses, and arrived their literally at the same time as a bus heading for St Peter Port, so the return journey was pretty straightforward.

Scotland – Wednesday Part 1: Plockton

The latest post ion my series about my Scottish Holiday, dealing with Plockton.


We have reached the Wednesday in my series of posts about my holiday in Scotland, which astute readers will recall was the day of my birthday. For previous posts in this series please click here. There will be a number of posts about this day as we saw a lot of fantastic scenery.


Our first port of call was Plockton, where were hoping to book a table at the Plockton Inn (it is in the Good Food Guide). There were also a few other things to see in Plockton. Here are some early pictures:

This is the approach to Plockton


The Plockton Inn sign

Picture in the Plockton Inn

We were lucky at the Inn – they did have a table, at 6PM, so we knew when we had to be back in Plockton. This sorted, it was time to explore Plockton:

Plockton info board660Castle662Map, Plockton664Map Board - PlocktonHeritage Centre1Heritage Centre2Heritage Centre3Heritage Centre 4Heritage Centre 5Heritage Centre 6Heritage Centre 8Heritage Centre 9

Plockton Hotel
This ‘stone-look’ frontage is a fail as far I as am concerned.

Island, PlocktonCastle, PlocktonRailway History