Monday in King’s Lynn

Having been confined to barracks all morning as I was waiting for two deliveries (both materialised – my new tenancy agreement, and a Christmas present for a cousin that I then had to send on to Australia) I was glad to get out and about immediately after lunch, especially as the weather was pleasant for an English November.

Therefore, having taken the package for Australia down to the post office, forked over a noticeable amount of cash and obtained proof of posting I set off on a walk in the course of which I obtained some decent photos even while restricted to the old Samsung (a phone call to the shop in Dereham revealed that the components were delivered at the end of last week, so I really should not have much longer to wait).

My twitter following continues to grow at a satisfying rate, with 400 rapidly approaching.

Now for some pictures…

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Farewell to Learning Works and King’s Lynn in the sun (still!)

My involvement with Learning Works came to a close today, two years and seven months after it started as a ten week work placement. The King’s Lynn centre is closing down, and it is purely for this reason that I shall no longer be attending. I have benefited hugely from my time at Learning Works, and without wishing to sound like the Hideous Hog, plenty of people who have passed through the King’s Lynn branch of Learning Works while I was there also benefited from my presence.

I have gained a new follower who by serendipity happens to live near Vancouver, British Columbia, so I have two sets of photos today, one my usual stuff, and the other a special “Vancouver Gallery” which I shall show first…

Vancouver plaque

A close up of the plaque at the base of the Vancouver statue
A close up of the plaque at the base of the Vancouver statue

Vancouver's Birthplace Plaque

The feature image - the statue of Captain Vancouver that stands alongside the lower Purfleet.
The feature image – the statue of Captain Vancouver that stands alongside the lower Purfleet.
Monkey Puzzzle
This araucaria is a prominent feature of the Vancouver Garden
The other bridge that connects the Vancouver Garden to the rest of King's Lynn
The other bridge that connects the Vancouver Garden to the rest of King’s Lynn

?????????? Vancouver Garden Plaque

The rest of the images are my more usual fare for a non working day, although one other noted navigator features prominently, Nicholas of Lynn, who died in 1369, definitely sailed to Iceland and may have found his way to the Americas. Note: all claims of discovery of the Americas made on behalf of Europeans are bogus by definition – in human terms the Americas were discovered by the hardy folk who crossed to frozen Bering Strait from Asia into the Americas some 20,000 years ago – hence why I do not personally used discovered in the context of Friar Nicholas and has possible trip across the Atlantic.

Anyway, now for the rest of those photos…

Stoptober Post Office War Memorial Moorhen Swimming Moorhen ?????????? ??????????

Little brown jobbies – normally very difficult to photograph

Little Brown Bird Mile Post Moorhen and drakes Swan on the Nar

I was attempting to capture something else, failed, but got this picture by way of compensation - the sort of thing that might happen more often if the Rueful Rabbit took up photography!
I was attempting to capture something else, failed, but got this picture by way of compensation – the sort of thing that might happen more often if the Rueful Rabbit took up photography!
But for the extra significance of Vancouver for this blog at this moment this would have been the feature image.

?????????? ??????????

Given how much wind we get in King's Lynn it makes sense to use it!
Given how much wind we get in King’s Lynn it makes sense to use it!

?????????? ?????????? Synchronized diving for birds?! Navigator circle 1

Nicholas of Lynn - her certainly DID NOT discover the Americas (see body text) - but he may just have been there over 120 years before Columbus.
Nicholas of Lynn – her certainly DID NOT discover the Americas (see body text) – but he may just have been there over 120 years before Columbus.

Navigation circle 2

Of course I'm master of all I survey - I'm a CAT!
Of course I’m master of all I survey – I’m a CAT!