A Reading List

Some important/ interesting reading matter for today.


This is going to be a very brief piece, consisting only of a handful of important links.


These links come in four categories, starting with…


Two links relating to this shocking case:

  1. The petition, now with in excess of 150,000 signatures, that Morenike Giwa Onaiwu had been running via change.org since the start of the case.
  2. publicintegrity have produced an excellent and very thoughtful article about this case.


Just a quick reminder of the latest development re the East End Womens Museum: a link via which you can contact the mayor of Tower Hamlets to give him your views.


Two splendid pieces from the blog named in honour of Jerry A Coyne’s master work:


According to comments on social media and Sky TVs own polling the number of contenders who emerged from last night’s Labour Leadership Debate with any credit totals one: Jeremy Corbyn. To mark his apparently crushing victory of last night I offer you, courtesy of beginpolitics this view of Mr Corbyn.

June Imaging/ Databasing

Just finished a productive day at James and Sons, imaging for the June sale and also updating my stock database (I am looking to provide a demonstration of what I can do on this part of the database by recording details of all June lots there so I can provide a real time demonstration.) There were some interesting militaria lots, including some Hungarian stuff. I also sent out a press release about our May sale, which took place on Saturday. Although it attracted early interest from other quarters, my advance bid of £20 proved sufficient to secure the postcard reproductions of classic London Underground posters as an early birthday present – the actual price was £18.

Alongside this of course I continue to build up the Social Media profile of the Great Centenary Auction – don’t forget that if you have not already done so you should be liking http://www.facebook.com/GreatAuction and/or following http://www.twitter.com/great_auction.

As usual I am taking this opportunity to show you some highlights from today’s work…

This medallion was a first for me
This medallion was a first for me


This rather nice wooden souvenir features a real eagle, rather than the heraldic version that features on medals.
This rather nice wooden souvenir features a real eagle, rather than the heraldic version that features on medals.


Both the cloth badge and the medallion were new to me - the rest while interesting is not important
Both the cloth badge and the medallion were new to me – the rest while interesting is not important
I was sufficiently intrigued by the medallion to a close up scan of it in addition to the main image.
I was sufficiently intrigued by the medallion to a close up scan of it in addition to the main image.
All of these items made over their top estimate, in some cases well over.
All of these items made over their top estimate, in some cases well over.


Training Session and Press Release

I have just attended a training session for my role on the social media side of things for the Great Centenary Auction , and I now feel that I can handle twitter and facebook. The website is not fully up and running yet, but that will be a doddle compared to the other stuff. I have also sent out a press release about another of our donated items, as you will see from the attached media.

Don’t forget: if you have not already liked http://www.facebook.com/GreatAuction please do so.

GCALancs ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? medal close up 2

The Great Centenary Charity Auction.

The Great Centenary Charity Auction, to take place at Raynham Hall this September is well and truly up and running. Having been asked to take on handling social media I have had to reactivate my Facebook account so that I can attend to posts via that medium. Fortunately I am not going to have to sign up to twitter. The auction will be raising funds for research into blast injuries.

Some good donations have already been received, as you will see from the attached media. There are three websites for you to check out in this context:




The attached media shows some of the first donations…

AUCTION APPEAL UP AND RUNNING ???????????????????????? Cross close up ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? medal close up 2