An Important Letter to be Delivered on International Women’s Day

An important letter to be delivered to world leaders on International Women’s Day (8th March) and a few other bits. Read, enjoy and please share widely.


This blog post features two special sections to start, and then some regular aspiblog fare to finish. We start with…


Because I am on the mailing list of ONE I received their email containing a letter about education for girls and a button to click to add my name. Here is the text of the letter

A Letter to Leaders

You couldn’t be where you are today without a good education.

But because poverty is sexist, 130 million girls across the world are denied this basic right. Indeed, if the number of girls out of school formed a country, it would be the tenth largest on the planet – bigger than Japan or Germany.

All children deserve a good education, but in the poorest countries girls are denied it more often than boys. Education is vital for moving out of poverty. Every additional year of school that a girl completes increases her future earnings, which is good for her family, her community and her country.

We cannot afford to squander the potential of 130 million girls to cure diseases or end wars, invent brilliant technology or revolutionise an industry…or simply to access opportunity.

We are coming together and uniting across our divides to get every girl into school and to make sure she gets a quality education once she’s there.

But we need you to do the same.

Your education helped you to get where you are today – and it is in your power to help millions of girls to get theirs. Please act now, with the right policies and the necessary funds.

Show us that politics can work for the people – starting with the people who need it most.

To add your name to this letter, as I already have:


The letter will be delivered to various world leaders on International Women’s Day, March 8th.


These pictures are of lots 1036-40 in James and Sons’ February Auction. This auction, like our January auction which is Monday-Wednesday of next week is a three day affair, although day three, which the coin lots will be opening, will be at the Maids Head Hotel, Norwich, after two days at our shop in Fakenham. Save for the picture of the presentation box for lot 1040 these images are all ultra hi-res (600 dpi) scans…

Lot 1036 (all these lots have at least three images, one of each face of the coins and a composite).


Lot 1037


Lot 1038


Lot 1039


Lot 1040, a medallion rather than a coin.


This will be the front cover picture on our printed catalogue for the February auction.
The presentation box.


First from Neurodivergent Rebel this post titled Frienships & Loneliness.

Second, courtesy of People Need Nature comes this report entitled A Pebble In The Pond (it is a 16-page PDF and thoroughly worth reading).


Here are some pictures from earlier today…




Heritage Open Day 4: The Remainder of the Day

The fourth in my series of posts about Heritage Open Day, featuring the Red Mount Chapel, The Guildhall, “Cormorant Platform”, the South Gate and the Bandstand.


This is the fourth post in my Heritage Open Day series (there will be one more small post to finish the series) and features several classic sites, starting with…


I have shown pictures of the outside of this building in many previous posts, so therefore I am concentrating my attentions on the inside, which a little like that of the South Gate contains more than you would believe from looking at the outside. The only windows most of the building possesses are tiny slits, while the uppermost level has fleur-de-lys windows which are not visible from the ground. At various stages of this buildings history its true purpose had to be concealed, because it was not safe to be known to be a centre of Catholic worship (n.b. the danger was never from unbelievers such as me, who also could not declare themselves at the time I am writing about – it was from those whose interpretation of Christianity differed from that of the Catholics). Now for some pictures…

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A prettied up fleur-de-lus window
A prettied up fleur-de-lus window
An original fleur-de-lys window
An original fleur-de-lys window

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After this we spent a bit of time outside waiting for signs of the spitfire fly past but none materialised, and we had to buy bread as a contribution to lunch, which thanks to my aunt was a feast. After lunch we started by paying a visit to the…


This is the second most iconic building in Lynn (behind the Custom House), due to its possessing this frontage…

This pic was taken yesterday - i got none of the outside on the day itself.
This pic was taken yesterday – i got none of the outside on the day itself.

Heritage Open Day however represented an opportunity to check out the inside of the building, including a ceiling that definitely dates from at the latest the early 1420s…

Decorative stonework in the Guildhall.
Decorative stonework in the Guildhall.


The 1420s ceiling (maybe even older)
The 1420s ceiling (maybe even older)

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The plan was to visit the South Gate, and then go back to the park to catch some of the live music at the bandstand. A special tour bus (think routemasters of yesteryear!) caught our eyes but it was full, and it definitely was not worth waiting 20 minutes for the next. The walk to the South Gate needed little tweaking to take in one of my favourite minor attractions, which I have dubbed…


Thankfully, the cormorants did me proud, and I was not required to provide any explanation as to my name for the structure…

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There were no further diversions before arriving at the…


No external picture of this – I have shown many in the past, and on this day it was all about the inside of such buildings. Suffice to say that my companions for the day, my cousin Edward and his partner Rachael endorsed my earlier description of this building as a ‘medieval TARDIS’ – there is much more inside than you would believe possible from the outside…

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Following a short cut well-known to me to not to that many others (at least when it comes it King’s Lynn I can say echoing Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings that “My cuts, short or long, don’t go wrong”) we arrived in the parkland area via the Seven Sisters gate, walking past the Walks Stadium (home of the mighty Linnets, a.k.a King’s Lynn Town FC – just another five promotions would see them in the premier league!) and the Guanock Gate to arrive at our last attraction of the day…


The Bandstand dates from 1904 and regularly hosts live music. For Heritage Open Day we had a brass band who produced some excellent music for us…

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