@aspitweets One Year On – and Other Stuff

Marking my first year on twitter, also mentioning autism advocated Robyn Steward and Kevin Healey and livened up with plenty of pictures.


As well as marking one year since I set up my personal twitter account I have a few other things to cover, and of course have some pictures to liven things up.


A year ago (plus half an hour for the seriously pedantic among you) I set up a personal twitter account, @aspitweets. Here is a link to the first tweet I posted back then:

And here is a screen dump as well.
And here is a screen dump as well.

It has been an amazing year, as I am closing on 3,000 followers. It has also been very beneficial to this blog, reaching people that I would never have reached without twitter.


On Thursday Robyn Steward, an internationally renowned autism advocate gave a talk at Churchill Park Complex Needs School, half a mile from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn which I was lucky enough to attend, having been invited by West Norfolk National Autistic Society branch chair Karan MacKerrow. The talk was exceedingly interesting, but rather than regurgitate it here I direct you to Robyn’s website so you can see it in her own words. Although one has to be careful about taking pictures in a school, I have some photos from the evening…

As stated in the body text I respect the need for care about taking pictures in a school, but I thought that this excellent display board deserved sharing and carried no risk of causing offence.
As stated in the body text I respect the need for care about taking pictures in a school, but I thought that this excellent display board deserved sharing and carried no risk of causing offence.
The first of two slides that I photographed before the talk started.
The first of two slides that I photographed before the talk started.


Robyn herself. The hat and the pink shoes are tthere because she cannot recognise faces and therefore needs to wear something distinctive to recognise herself in photos.
Robyn herself. The hat and the pink shoes are tthere because she cannot recognise faces and therefore needs to wear something distinctive to recognise herself in photos.

My second Autism related piece is less happy. Kevin Healey recently contacted his MP, Paul Farrelly, about the bullying he was suffering. Unfortunately, rather than helping or offering any sort of support all this MuPpet came up with was a suggestion that Kevin should get off twitter, failing to note that for Kevin twitter is a vital communication tool. Kevin has responded by launching another petition, directed specifically at Mr Farrelly, which I urge to you to sign and share.


Yesterday was devoted to imaging for our sale on November 25th at Fakenham Racecourse. The last lots will be catalogued and ready for imaging by November 8th, and the plan is for the catalogue to be available by the 15th (i.e ten days before the auction). Assuming that the lotting is done promptly the imaging will be no problem…

300 304 307 313 503 504 505 531-a 531-b 531-c 531-d 556 559 594 595

I scanned the four prints that make up this lot individually and then assembled those scans to make this image - the next four are of the individual scans.
I scanned the four prints that make up this lot individually and then assembled those scans to make this image – the next four are of the individual scans.


Sunrise on Thursday morning.
Sunrise on Thursday morning.
A small side window, King's Lynn Museum.
A small side window, King’s Lynn Museum.
The same window with the entire surround in shot.
The same window with the entire surround in shot.
The fountain in the walks.
The fountain in the walks.
The plaque detailing the history of the fountain.
The plaque detailing the history of the fountain.
