Photography Club, Great Centenary Auction and James and Sons

Yesterday I attended a meeting of the King’s Lynn Photography Club. They had a chap up from London to give a presentation about conventional and unconventional photography which was quite good. It was excessively hot in the room where this meeting took place, and I had come straight from a tough day at work. Because of this I left at the end of the presentation.

I was very glad to get out into the cool of the evening, and had a late supper outside. I managed to grab a good picture which shows that is not only flags that fly from flagsticks.

After an organising meeting at Raynham Hall for the Great Centenary Auction this morning it was back to James and Sons for another days work. My work images from the last two days are of cigarette card lots, of which some are worth showing. Owing to the sheer number of cards in each lot I generally select one card from each set contained within the lot and make an image of all the cards I have chosen. Facebook and twitter continue to make progress, and we are beginning to get more stuff.

Now for the images…

It's not only flags that can fly from the flagpole on top of Clifton House Tower!
It’s not only flags that can fly from the flagpole on top of Clifton House Tower!

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A busy day at James and Sons

The process of imaging lots for the June sale continues. The catalogue has gone to the printers (proof read and corrected by me first), and should be available for distribution by Wednesday at latest. I did a very varied lot of imaging of today, using both scanner and camera. One of my images shows two sheets of stamps of different sizes, which were imaged by different methods. The scanned sheet of stamps were penny rose reds, while the larger photographed sheet were penny red browns.

At this auction I will be running the auction side of my database live for the first time, thus moving a step closer to the time when my system does everything.

Things are starting to move on the social media side of the Great Centenary Auction, with having over doubled its tally of likes in the last week, and steadily increasing its number of followers.

Enjoy some high quality images of stuff that will be going under the hammer at the Maids Head Hotel, Norwich on June 21st…

296 305 313 328 340 415 ?????????? 475 477 478 479 480 ?????????? Juxtaposition.