Cornish Winter Break 5: Eden Project (3)

My third and final post about this visit to the Eden Project – dealing with the Mediterranean Biome.


This is my third and last post about our family outing to the Eden Project, covering the Mediterranean Biome.


There are other parts of the world that have the same type of climate as the Mediterranean – parts of South Africa, southwestern Australia and parts of the USA, and they all feature in this Biome. There was much bird life in evidence in the Biome as well. My camera got steamed up and I failed to notice, so the photographs did not come out as well as I would have liked, but nonetheless I share them. After we had finished in this Biome we had a late lunch (sausage casserole with accompanying vegetables in my case, washed down with a bottle of locally brewed beer – from St Austell, the closest town of any significance) and then made our way back to the car park, availing ourselves of the bus from the visitor’s centre because I was getting tired by then (a legacy of the cancer that nearly killed me at the back end of 2018). I will certainly be visiting this place again in the not too distant future and would list at as an absolute must see place if you are visiting Cornwall.

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A plan of the Biome.

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These last few pictures were taken outside, on the way back to the visitor centre.

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Cornish Winter Break 4: Eden Project (2)

Continuing my account of the family outing to the Eden Project.


In my last post I began my coverage of a family outing to the Eden Project, and in this post I continue it with my coverage of the new building next to the biomes, which is dedicated to stuff which is usually invisible.


This was time extremely well spent. As is my way I tell the rest of the story in pictures:

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What this building is all about (and as I hope the rest of these pictures convey, it is done magnificently).

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This creation is right in the centre of the building.

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A close up of one of the ‘smoke rings’ blown the machine in the centre of the building.

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Another close up of a ‘smoke ring’

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My next and final post about the Eden Project will deal with the Mediterranean Biome where we finished our visit.

Cornish Winter Break 3: Eden Project (1)

The first of several posts about the Eden Project in my series about my Cornish winter holiday.


After a brief aside it is time to resume my coverage of my Cornish winter holiday with the first of what will be several posts about the Eden Project.


This was a family trip, and we travelled from my parents place by car. There is generous car parking provision, but you can also travel there by public transport (train to St Austell and then a connecting bus to the Eden Project). We just missed a bus from the car park to the visitors centre and walked there instead. This was my second visit, but the place had developed so massively from my first visit that it was effectively a new experience. After the purchase of tickets we decided what to do. We settled on the Walk Through Time, the new building and the Mediterranean Biome (the biomes, as you will see are remarkable structures whose architecture owes much to the legendary Richard Buckminster Fuller). Here are some early pictures before I take you on the walk through time:

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A shot taken in transit.

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For twitter users this is one way to contact the Eden Project.
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The biomes from above (three shots)

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The roof of the new building.


This is a wonderful lead in to the biomes and the new building, and there is only one real way to tell it, especially for me:

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The entrance the new building, which will form the subject of my next post.

Cornish Winter Break 1: Setting the Scene

Setting the scene for a series of posts about my holiday in Cornwall.


I spent Christmas and the New Year in Cornwall, staying at my parent’s place. In this post I set the stage for series of posts to come about the things I did while there. In addition to eight places of interest (some of which merit rather more than a single post, or indeed a single visit) I will also be describing the cooking of a meal for six, which will be accompanied by some general pictures from the vicinity of my parents place. In the rest of this post I will set out the order for the rest of the series as an appetizer.


Definitely worth a visit if you are in that part of the world.

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This is a truly astonishing place and one that will repay many visits. I will certainly be devoting more than one post to my visit there this holiday.

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The biomes.
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The start of the trail through time.
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An addition to the project since my only previous visit – this building is devoted to the things we normally cannot see.

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Inside the Mediterranean Biome.


Only a little of this place was open, and I hope to see more of it in due course.

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The gatehouse, once a hunting lodge before the big house was built.
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The main house.

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The least impressive of the places we visited.

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An extraordinarily scenic place, will be getting several posts in this series.

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I will be covering this bridge in detail – for the moment suffice to say that it is both superb and very necessary.

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This view from the heights of Tintagel is currently my desktop background.
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The sun prevented me from getting a really got picture of this view.

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The old church

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The bridge from above.

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This is well known to fans of Daphne Du Maurier and/ or Rosamunde Pilcher. We stopped there on the way back from Tintagel.

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I enjoyed visiting this town, though as you will see when I post about it I consider it over-hyped.

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This was a success.

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The last activity of the holiday – and talk about finishing on a high note. I will certainly be revisiting this town

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This splendid mosaic can be seen at Falmouth Docks station.

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The National Maritime Museum Cornwall.
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Views of Falmouth from the look out tower in the museum

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