Australia 2-0 Up In ODI Series

A mention of yesterday;s ODI, leading to an account of a controversial dismissal and some stories about other controversial dismissals. Some good pictures. Finally, some interesting and important links.


As well as my title piece I have some links and some photographs to share.


Let me start by saying straight that the dismissal in question had no effect on the outcome of the match – Australia were already in control by then and thoroughly deserved their victory. England one the toss, put Australia in, and Australia ran up 309 from the 49 overs that the match was reduced to.


Ben Stokes was given out to one cricket’s most obscure modes of dismissal: Obstructing the Field. He deflected with his hand a ball that would have hit his stumps and run him out.  I quote from my copy of The Laws of Cricket the paragraph explaining the relevant law:

1. Out Obstructing the field

Either batsman is out Obstructing the field  if he wilfully obstructs the or distracts the opposing side by word or action. It shall be regarded as obstruction if either batsman wilfully, and without the consent of the fielding side, strikes the ball with his bat or person, other than a hand not holding the bat, after the ball has touched a fielder.

The emphases in the body text of the above quote are mine – in the space of time that it took for  the incident to occur it is hard to see how Stokes could have wilfully obstructed the field – and also the hand that struck the ball was not holding the bat and is therefore specifically exempted by the above. Steven Smith, the Australian captain earned few friends by allowing the appeal and dismissal to stand, and even fewer by the arrogant, unthinking post-match interview in which he refused to even countenance the possibility that he might have been wrong.

Of course controversies are nothing new when it comes to clashes between crickets oldest international foes – the first great controversy over a dismissal in an England – Australia match was the one in 1882 that led to the creation of the Ashes, when W.G.Grace ran out Sammy Jones after the latter had left his crease to pat down a divot. Fred Spofforth was particularly incensed, and proceeded to vent his anger by running through the England second innings to win the match. The first post World War II Ashes match featured very controversial moment when Bradman, then on 28 and having looked very unconvincing, sent a ball shoulder-high to Jack Ikin at second slip, and was given not out after England initially thought they had no need to appeal (normally for a high and clear catch you don’t). England’s captain Walter Hammond gave Bradman a pithy summary of his thoughts, saying “A fine bloody way to start a series”. Bradman went on to 187 and Australia to an innings victory. Other more recent cases of controversy include the Dyson run out that was not given at Sydney in the 1982-83 series (when the batsman was so far out of his ground that he was not even in the frame when the wicket was broken), the Wayne Phillips dismissal at Edgbaston in 1985 that ended all hope of Australia saving that match (caught by Gower after he had chopped a ball on to Allan Lamb’s boot and it rebounded up and across to the skipper) and the Ponting dismissal at Trent Bridge in 2005 and that worthy’s subsequent verbal firework display.


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I have quite a few links to share today, and they divide into three sections…


Five pieces here:

  1. Cosmos Up have produced one of their quirky compilations, in this case “10 facts about Mars your probably didn’t know
  2. The remaining pieces in this section all come courtesy of whyevolutionistrue, starting with this light-hearted “Saturday Hili Dialogue
  3. Next, this piece about a very brave woman who saved a fox from bloodthirsty, law-breaking hunters.
  4. Next, Lawrence Krauss exposing the xenophobia inherent in religion.
  5. Finally, this one, in which a chimpanzee takes out a drone.


Again, five links here…

  1. A new find via twitter, and a site I wish to encourage is nextstepacademy (I acknowledge that they are not strictly autism related, but that is where the connection arose).
  2. A report provided by the National Autistic Society on Special Educational Needs.
  3. A very promising looking site called interactingwithautism
  4. From perfectltyfadeddelusions, a new blog that I thoroughly recommend, comes this reblog of a post by an autistic person.

Also on the sharing theme, and accompanied by a pic to make things clearer for you, CricketNews have for the second time in quite a brief period shared something from an autistic blogger.
CL shared


A total of six links in this section:

  • I begin with a link to what is in actuality a report of a theft committed brazenly and in broad daylight by a Jobcentre security guard. Having read the post, from samedifference, I have already stated in their comments section the “security guard” who thought it was alright ro behave in this manner needs to be arrested and charged. If I was handling the case, I would run him down to the Police Station, and tell him that either he yields up the phone so that I can be returned to its owner or he goes to court and when he is convicted, as on such ironclad evidence he would have to be, a custodial sentence will be called for. PLEASE READ AND SHARE THE FULL POST
  • julijuxtaposed takes on Scam-eron’s leadership attributes in this post.
  • Next courtesy of the Mirror comes this about David Cameron coming under pressure to abolish the bedroom tax, even from his own side. This piece contains a poll asking readers whether the bedroom tax should be abolished, and when I voted the records showed 92% had got the answer right and only 8% had clicked the no button!
  • perfectlyfadeddelusions are back, with this piece about WRAG workshops being a waste of time.
  • dwpexamination have produced this piece about who are being labelled as extremists (Anti-fracking protesters as a group and Caroline Lucas by name were mentioned in this context).
  • Finally, in an effort to finish on high note, this piece from Tina Savage, already widely shared on social media, about why she chose to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

The Weekend Approaches


As well as my main piece, I have some very interesting and important links to share, several infographics and of course lots og high quality pictures.


The weekend is upon us. I am particularly looking forward to being able to actually listen to some of the test match, having not been able to do so either yesterday or today. England’s policy of stacking their team with batting paid off at first as they were able to recover from a disastrous beginning (30-4) to reach a respectanle 389, significant contributions coming from Stokes, Root, Buttler and Moeen Ali. The downside of the selection policy, a lack of serious bowling options (for all his position at no 8, and hence officially being selected as a front-line spinner I do not rate Ali a serious bowler) is being cruelly exposed by the Kiwis, who are currently 235-2.


I have three infographics to share with you today, two on the Human Rights Act and one on poverty…

HRA Rights



First up, an article published on Huffington Post by Kevin Healey.

Next we have a petition from calling for the manufacture of disability toys.

An important link for those with an interest in mental health.

A very important and challenging piece about GPs, in the form of an open letter, courtesy of julijuxtaposed.

A wondeful post about a beautiful corner of Cornwall complete with stunning pictures, from smallbluegreenwords.

My final offering in this section is a piece from Cosmos Up about life on exomoons.


To finish along with my hopes that you will share some or all of this post are some photos…


The next five photos feature a display board at Fakenham Library.
The next five photos feature a display board at Fakenham Library.

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Three pictures of decorative plates in the window of a charity shop.
Three pictures of decorative plates in the window of a charity shop.

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My final set of images is the full gallery of lot 705 in our June sale
My final set of images is the full gallery of lot 705 in our June sale

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Surrey Secure Spectacular Success

A brief account of Surrey’s successful run chase, two infographics, some interesting/ important links, some photos and a call for support for two very important petitions.


The layout of my last post having attracted positive comment, this post will be on similar lines.


Having already featured one jaw dropping display of stroke making, this amazing match which featured over 1,500 runs in the four days was settled by another. Surrey terminated the Leicestershire second innings on 480 leaving them 216 to get in 24 overs for victory. Back in they day such a chase would have been considered purely nominal and the openers would have settled for quietly polishing up their batting averages courtesy of an asterisk in the scorebook. One of the batsmen who opened this innings for Surrey did get his asterisk in the scorebook, but Stephen Davies achieved this in anything but quiet fashion – he finished with 117 not out as Surrey completed their first victory of the season with two and a half overs to spare.


King’s Lynn Library, one of three to be regularly patronised by your correspondent (Fakenham, where I work, and Norwich are the others) will be celebrating its 110th birthday this coming Monday. I have a picture of the advertising poster and of the building itself for you…


Two infographics for you, first this one, courtesy of Violetta Golding, on the gender balance of the House of Commons:


Our second infographic concerns Homophobia in sport:



First up, the Mirror on fox hunting.

A must-read post from julijuxtaposed.

Also, with the Human Rights Act under threat in this country, this is well worth a visit.

Finally for this section, a really quirky little piece about how the beak (bird) developed from the snout (dinosaur)


Some pictures taken today, going in here to break things up a bit (my next section after these pics is VERY IMPORTANT)…

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I have saved this item for the end of the post. A while back we won a victory over Julien Blanc, preventing him from being invited to this country. It now looks like  we will need to win this battle for a second time. The other matter is even more serious: Charlton Athletic Football Club are considering signing a man who took part in the gang rape of a fourteen year old girl. Although it comes close to making me physically sick that a football club could be thinking of offering a contract to such a person, the real problem is that football’s governing bodies have still not laid down rules about this. I have links to petitions relating to these issues, both of which I hope you will sign and share:

1) Julien Blanc

2) Football, with particular reference to Charlton Athletic.

I encourage you to share this post or anything within this post that takes your fancy and end with my usual message for those who have reached this point:


Thunderclaps and Hashtags

Some important links, notably about getting Katie Hopkins to apologise to the autistic community and about electoral reforms and some photographs.


I have given my post this title because a large part of it is given over to sharing links, including to thunderclaps.I also have some good pictures from Kings Lynn today.


The above is a hashtag now being used in our campaign to get Katie Hopkins to apologise to the autistic community for some very offensive comments. There are two links connected to this:

1) Petition, courtesy of

2) Thunderclap, pooling social media reach for better effect.

If you decide to tweet about this campaign don’t forget the hashtag, and if you wish to retweet something someone else has posted about the campaign append a comment of your own and the hashtag (“quote tweet”)


One of the things the recent election demonstrated to everyone with eyes to see it was how badly flawed ‘first past the post’ is as a system. I have three links connected to this to share with you:

1) A blog post which makes the case superbly, from Dan Keeling.

2) A petition that I hope you will sign and/or share from

3) Thunderclap (see previous section).


First, a link and a picture relating to an anti-austerity demonstration


My final four links are all in their different ways responses to the election result:

1) A moving open letter to those who voted Conservative

2) A fact checker courtesy of Mike Sivier on Vox Political

3) A poem courtesy of julijuxtaposed.

4) Last and in the chief place, this from Caroline Lucas.


This picture can be seen at The Crown Inn, East Rudham
This picture can be seen at The Crown Inn, East Rudham

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The first days play has just finished in the county championship match between neighbours Worcestershire and Warwickshire. Worcestershire would seem to be having the better of things, having bowled well, but one really needs to see both sides bat before attempting to form strong opinions.


Can you spot the bee? Given it's size it did a fine job of hiding.
Can you spot the bee? Given it’s size it did a fine job of hiding.
Preparing for the ascent
Preparing for the ascent

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I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I encourage you to share any or all of it. A final message for those who have made it to the end:


NHS Action Yesterday

Some very important links, an account of yesterday’s petitioning activity around the NHS and some pictures.

I have a variety of other things to share with you before I get to the main meat of my post…


First of all a family of related links. Autism Mom’s latest post “autism-respect-the-beautiful-otherness-of-the-autistic-mind” is the original post that attracted my attention, and it in turn was inspired by two articles:

1)A piece published by the Royal Society and authored by Francesca Happe and Uta Frith.

2)A piece published on medicaldaily and written by Lecia Bushak.

Next, news of a major victory in the battle to save the world’s bees, in pictorial form. While on the subject of conservation, I have a petition to share with you about that horror known as the ivory trade.

My next link is to a piece written by a lawyer who courageously and correctly stood up for his neighbours when they were being bullied by the DWP – it provides insight into just how vicious this department has become since the Idiotic Delusional Sociopath (IDS for short) took control. This post is simultaneously disturbing and inspiring. A natural follow on from that is a link to this post from

Moving on, Tom Pride gives details of some vicious anti-semtism from a Tory candidate.

My next two links are related both referring to matters connected with LGBT rights. The first one was written in response to Nick Clegg publicly ruling out (a rather grandiose thing for soon-to-be ex MP to do in any case) any coalition involving the SNP, and points out just who he might find himself helping if he supports a coalition of the right – the gang of bigots officially known as the DUP. The second concerns the case of an asylum seeker facing deportion back to Jamaica and certain death – anyone actually carrying out this threat will be an accessory to murder and should be punished appropriately.

My penultimate link comes courtesy of julijuxtaposed and is counterblast to the increasingly rabid Scotphobia being shown by the right.

Finally, I include a link to an establishment being run by my latest twitter follower, which seems to be an excellent thing.


This card was sent to me by Rocio Watkins, an American researcher who  I have been of some assistance to - it contained a small cheque for which I have thanked her.
This card was sent to me by Rocio Watkins, an American researcher who I have been of some assistance to – it contained a small cheque for which I have thanked her.

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This is the stamp on the envelope in which the car was sent. Although being current issue it is not yet of interest to philatelists I feel that I may be so eventually as circular stamps are not all that common.
This is the stamp on the envelope in which the car was sent. Although being current issue it is not yet of interest to philatelists I feel that I may be so eventually as circular stamps are not all that common.


Between 11AM and 1PM yesterday about 10 of us took to the streets of King’s Lynn to collect signatures for a petition which is at the heart of a campaign to Save Our NHS. Our numbers were a little less than they may have been because of late withdrawals and the fact that some people who would ordinarily have been with us were campaigning in Hunstanton as part of Jo Rust’s election campaign (including Jo herself who would certainly have been with us otherwise).

The weather was decent, and lots of people signed. I, and accosting people I do not know with a petition is something that having Asperger;s definitely does make more difficult, personally got 20 and must have had 10 times that number tell me they had already signed. Given how many others were also collecting signatures and the near certainty that I will have gathered the fewest of any of them we are certainly talking in terms of several hundred new signatures.

Finally, a few more pictures to end the post:

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Look up and across from outside King's Lynn Debenhams and you will see this window display!
Look up and across from outside King’s Lynn Debenhams and you will see this window display!
Details of a post-election public meeting that will very likely be the occasion of my next visit to the fine city of Norwich.
Details of a post-election public meeting that will very likely be the occasion of my next visit to the fine city of Norwich.
This is my enlarged version of the victory for bees picture.
This is my enlarged version of the victory for bees picture.