A Dull Grey Saturday


As well as my title piece and accompanying photographs I have some cracking links to share with you.


In a classic application of Murphy’s Law today is dull and grey, immediately following several bright sunny work days. Not that unappealing weather meant that there was nothing to photograph – after being dry for some time the fountain in The Walks had water in it and was functioning as it should…


Just beyond that was a “Trivial Pursuit” type arrangement of flower beds, one half of which I captured for posterity…


The squirrels were not in the least deterred by filthy grey skies either…

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The ducks and moorhens were enjoying the waters of the upper Millfleet as it flows through the parkland…

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The younger generation were also in evidence out on the water…


Arriving at the river bank by way of Hardings Pits I took a shot looking towards the town…


Walking past the anti-flood wall near old Boal Quay I was gratified to spot this blackbird at quite close quarters…


My last shot was taken at the jetty now in its second summer of service, and hosting a single boat today…




I found this shocking story of institutionalized abuse (I can call it nothing else), by way of twitter and I have already made contact with the author and subject of the story, Jennifer Msumba who posted it on her blog Here is an infographic for you…


My second autism related link concerns Kevin Healey of the National Autistic Society and his continuing effort to get twitter to protect him properly. That perennial source of fine material Huffington Post is running an article by him about cyber-bullying. For some time, Kevin has been running a petition via change,org to put pressure on twitter to do the right thing.


The petition calling on Playmobil to produce toys that show disabled people in a positive light has succeeded in persuading them, after gaining more than 50,000 signatures. As well as celebrating, the organisers are using this as a springboard for tackling their next target, Lego. To view, sign and share this new petition please follow this link.


A couple of crackers in this mini-section:

1)Dan Keeling on how the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.

2)This gem from kittysjones.


The dailyinspirationblog have come up trumps with this piece about Aristotle.

Patheos, who feature regularly in the links section of this blog, are here again, this time with a report on a particularly egregious piece of legislation which will cause the adoption rate in the state of Michigan to plummet.

My next link to share comes courtesy of thepoorsideoflife and concerns new targets for DWP compliance interviews.

My next and penultimate link is to a piece from handandmouse which combines slamming George Osborne with arguing cogently for Jeremy Corbyn to be on the ballot paper for the Labour leadership election.

To end this section here is a link to a piece in the Lynn News about how the town will be celebrating the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.



I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and will be inspired to share it.


Here are a few random pics that I choose to share…

Window display at the Salvation Army shop in Fakenham.
Window display at the Salvation Army shop in Fakenham.
A close up of one the pieces featured in the first picture.
A close up of one the pieces featured in the first picture.


More from the Salvation Army shop.
More from the Salvation Army shop.

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Detail from the Majestic Cinema, King's Lynn
Detail from the Majestic Cinema, King’s Lynn

A Wet Sunday


This is a blog post of my most frequent type – a title piece, some infographics from various sources, some links and some photographs. Enjoy…


Although the weather was far from appealing yesterday I did manage to get a decent length walk in en route to my aunt’s house for a birthday meal, and as you will see late there were some good pics to be taken.

The meal was superb, and there was some decent television afterwards.

I got home just in time to catch the final stages of the day’s play in the test match. England are going to need to bat very well to win (and with two days to go a draw is almost out of the question.


My first infographic is an important ‘mythbuster’…


The next infographic concerns the requirements that the Tories plan to impose on strike ballots. Bbefore showing it I will say this: I do not think that those who choose not to express an opinion deserve to be taken into account, which is why when talking about the vote gained by the Conservatives at the last election I always refer to the 36.9% of the votes cast that they receive and not the 24% of the electorate that voted for them. Now for the infographic…

Strike rules

My last two infographics are both aimed directly at Mr Cameron…

HSBC Fraud Scameron



Cosmos Up are a very reliable source of interesting material, and today the provide the first two links that I choose to share:

1)A piece about the discovery of a ‘twin Kuiper belt’ orbiting a nearby star.

2)A space probe approaches the dwarf planet Ceres.


Aspiration has been something a buzzword among contenders for the Labour leadership. This piece from Tax Research UK is a splendid rebuttal to this current obsession among those at the top of the Labour Party.


It is no secret that I sign and share a very large number of petitions. This, courtesy of change.org, is a story of a petition that has achieved the desired result, and I am delighted to share the celebration of this success.


I hope that you have all enjoyed this piece, and that you will share it. Here to round it off are some photographs…

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This bird is so small that was very difficult to capture it at all.
This bird is so small that was very difficult to capture it at all.

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Not a bad pic of something that is a quarter of a million miles away!
Not a bad pic of something that is a quarter of a million miles away!