Karytaina Castle

An account of Karytaina Castle.


Welcome to the latest in my series of posts about my holiday in Greece (May 12th to 19th). After the last post in which I gave the animals their due we resume our coverage of the Friday, having dealt with Dimitsana


Those of you who read my first post about Dimitsana will recall that my mother was not well that day, necessitating changes to our plans, including an abandonment of our plans for lunch. Thus we decided that my father and I would make do with what we could find in Karytaina town, and we would stop on the way back to buy some good food for supper.  Here are some introductory pictures:

Distant view of Karytaina Castle
A distant shot of Karytaina Castle taken while travelling.
Karytaina Castle from below I
Two shots taken looking up at the castle from the town.

Karytaina Castle from below II

Karytaina map
A couple of public maps of the area.

Karytaina map IIHeroesStatue in Karytaina

My father and I did locate a place in the town serving food, but the sole merit of the meal was cheapness – neither the ham & cheese toastie nor the drink had any flavour at all. Having had lunch it was time for the ascent to the castle.


Karytaina Castle was built by the Franks in the 13th century, and its location was chosen because it commands a direct view of two rivers, the Lousios and the Alpheios, both of which flow all year round (most rivers in Greece do not). The ascent from the town to the castle is quite steep, although the path is fairly well maintained, so it is not unduly difficult. 

ruins at KarytainaKarytaina Castle info boardMemorialDefencesStatue flanked by cannons

Karytaina town
The town as viewed from the castle.

Karytaina castle enhancementruins, Karytaina castleruins, Karytaina castle IIruins, Karytaina castle IIIsnail shellArches, Karytaina castleKarytaina castle outbuildingsruins, Karytaina castle IVenhancements


I finish with some pictures of the two rivers the castle overlooks (mainly the Lousios, but I did get one shot of the Alpheios as well):

Lousios bridges I
This has been a recognised crossing point of the Lousios for hundreds of years.

Lousious bridges II

The Alpheios.

Lousios bridges IIILousios bridges IVThe crossing of the LousiosLousios crossingsLousios bridges VI

The Lousios valley
The Lousios valley