Dimitsana 1: Before the Tannery

The open air museum of water power at Dimitsana is a remarkable site, worthy of several posts. This post covers the first part of the site, leading up to the tannery, and including some stuff about fulling, and some introductory stuff about water and energy. Pictures tell this story better than words…

Dimitsana: The Gunpowder Mill

Like the Tannery, this has a video explaining the process of making gunpowder. Most of the gunpowder used by the Greeks in the War of Independence of 1821 was manufactured in Dimitsana, so this is of particular relevance to this museum. Once more it is a story told in pictures…

Dimitsana 2: The Tannery

The Tannery is absolutely remarkable. There is a 15 minute video which describes the process of getting from skins to usable leather. The process was painstakingly slow, occupying something in the region of a month per batch of skins. If you are ever fortunate enough to visit this site make sure you watch the video … Continue reading “Dimitsana 2: The Tannery”

Leaving Olympia

A final coda to my post about Olympia (https://aspiblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/14/ancient-olympia/), a lively and amusing version of the story of how the ancient Olympics got started is told by Tom Holt in the novel Olympia. Any book with his name on the cover will be a good read. After an excellent stay at the Hotel Europa, we … Continue reading “Leaving Olympia”

The Lousios Gorge: Ancient Gortys

From Dimitsana we descended into the Lousios Gorge, where there is a Byzantine church and the remains of ancient Gortys, not be confused with Gortyn on the island of Crete. There is not the hugest amount to see at Gortys but I did get some good pictures….