A Family Weekend and a Day at James and Sons

The reason there has been no post on this blog since Friday afternoon is that I spent the weekend in East Rudham at a very large family gathering (my Australian aunt was over, and a veritable tribe descended on East Rudham to take advantage of this event).

Today I did everything I needed to at work, plus making a start on the imaging for the September auction, and benefitted from a rare piece of good fortune in that I left a little early because my colleague who was locking up had to go promptly, and the 15:38 bus to King’s Lynn was more than a little late, so I got home much earlier than expected, and it being bright and sunny, I have been out for a walk.

I have three sets of photographs to share with you, those from the weekend, highlights from today at work, and some from the walk (with very few exceptions wherever I go my trusty Nikon P520 Coolpix also goes), so here goes…

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£5 worth of hand of pork
£5 worth of hand of pork

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Unfortunately due to a mishap we never got to sample this crackling
Unfortunately due to a mishap we never got to sample this crackling

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But we most certainly did get to sample the kebabs that this little lot became.
But we most certainly did get to sample the kebabs that this little lot became.

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Outdoor reared Norfolk pork means precisely what it says.
Outdoor reared Norfolk pork means precisely what it says.


It is always a challenge to get good shots of aeroplanes.
It is always a challenge to get good shots of aeroplanes.


This sunflower was growing in someone's front  garden
This sunflower was growing in someone’s front garden
These were provided by my cousin Olivia
These were provided by my cousin Olivia

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