2017 Photographic Wall Calendar

A sneak preview of the 2017 Photographic Wall Calendar.


As some of you know I created photographic wall calendars last year. I recently mentioned that I was going to do again this year. This morning my inbox contained an offer from Vistaprint that was too good to refuse, so the calendars will be arriving with me some time around October 20th.


This time, there will be no borders, and no added text. It will surprise few who have followed this blog recently to find out that I have chosen an Inlandsbanan picture for the front cover…


The actual calendar will be much bigger than this of course.


Here are the individual pages for each month…


This picture was taken quite recently, but I decided that it looks wintry enough for February.


This picture is one of my Swedish ones, but not inappropriate for the month.


This picture was taken on Heritage Open Day, which in King’s Lynn is always the second Sunday in September.
Two pictures both from October 1st joined together.


Another two pictures from very recently joined together for this purpose.


Side By Side

Some musings on the county championship (cricket), and an acknowledgement of King’s Lynn’s latest effort to advertise its heritage.


I am posting about two unrelated matters, hence the title, which is borrowed from a series of Bridge Magazine articles written many years ago by Terence Reese. The firs topic of the day is…


As another English season draws to a close there are two topics to cover in this section, first of all…


Thanks to Somerset continuing their late charge with a 10 wicket victory over Yorkshire, and Lancashire earning a draw against leaders Middlesex the final round of games will commence with Middlesex, Somerset and Yorkshire in that order all in contention for the title. Owing to the fact that a decision to alter the structure of the two divisions has meant that there is only one promotion place up for grabs the second division is now settled, with Essex having secured the promotion.

In the final round of matches Middlesex will play Yorkshire at Lord’s, while Somerset face already relegated Nottinghamshire. While my chief emotion as a cricket fan is gratitude that the championship race is going down to the wire, I cannot claim complete impartiality – despite having grown up in London and possessing a Yorkshire surname, it is my support for the underdog that wins out in this contest – I will be rooting for Somerset. Somerset have never won the championship (Northamptonshire and Gloucestershire are also in this position, although the latter were named as champion county three times in the 1870s, before the official start of the county championship in 1890). Apart from being a historic first, a championship win for Somerset this year would also be a fitting reward for Marcus Trescothick as he approaches the end of a long and distinguished career with the county.

The change in the structure of the two divisions mentioned earlier, moving from nine teams in each to eight in first and ten in the second, is not the most significant one happening in English domestic cricket, that distinction going to…


Yes, it has been decided by a vote of 16-3 in favour to augment the existing domestic T20 competition with an eight-team city based competition. I am not going to say either yea or nay at this stage, waiting to see how it works in practice before making a judgement. I mark the break between this section and the second section of the post with some recent photographs from King’s Lynn…


This is the uncropped version of a butterfly picture
And this is the cropped version.



Beales Department Store which is near thus bus station in King’s Lynn has recently closed down. Rather than leave the frontage as blank windows, it has been used as an opportunity to advertise our town’s heritage, as shown below…

Save for the planning notice at the end, these pictures are presented in the order in which they were taken.


On Heritage

Arriving at my aunt’s for Sunday lunch (it was, as usual, an excellent meal), I saw on the table planning documents for various new developments. After talking about them with my aunt, and enjoying the aforementioned lunch, we set off on a walk to visit the site of the most significant proposal (because it is on the doorstep of St Nicholas’ Chapel) and see the area for ourselves, having already formed opinions about the proposed development by Freebridge Community Housing.

My own view as someone who always considers plans on their own merit and has no time for knee-jerk negativity over change (and will cite both the new jetty on the Great Ouse and the alterations to the Tuesday Market Place as unequivocal successes) was that although I would have preferred larger windows and lighter brickwork (the latter not possible because it as conservation area and the dark brickwork is already there), and could not fail to notice that the proposed living quarters were going to be a trifle “compact” I was prepared to forgive these failings. There were two huge positives, first and most important that the plans included secure places for bicycles (and there is a cycle route almost on their doorstep), and second that although the new view would not be of picture postcard quality, at least the hideous modern monstrosity in the background of the feature image would be obscured.

I have some excellent pictures to share with you as usual…

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Bug trapped in amber.
Bug trapped in amber.

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This square manhole cover sits inside a circle of cobbles - maybe an well?
This square manhole cover sits inside a circle of cobbles – maybe an well?

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This fine property is one of too many in central King's Lynn that stands empty because the owners cannot be bothered to let them out.
This fine property is one of too many in central King’s Lynn that stands empty because the owners cannot be bothered to let them out.

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This property is reached via a cunningly disguised public right of way (and the company responsible wondered why there was concern over their plans for Devils Alley?!)
This property is reached via a cunningly disguised public right of way (and the company responsible wondered why there was concern over their plans for Devils Alley?!)

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An eight-legged friend
An eight-legged friend

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