Channel Islands 15: Homeward Bound

The final post in my series about my holiday in the channel islands.

This post will conclude my series about my holiday in the channel islands.


Our ferry back to England was scheduled to depart at 13:10 (had originally been 11:10, but was put back two hours before we even went on holiday), which was a very inconvenient time in two ways – it meant that I had to travel from Poole to King’s Lynn as a car passenger rather than as I had intended doing so by public transport, and it also meant with a lot of waiting around.


Once we were aboard the ferry an ensconced in our seats the journey was smooth and comfortable. Poole Harbour is one of the largest natural harbours in the world, meaning that there is plenty to be seen as the boat approaches land.

The journey from Poole to King’s Lynn was slow, and it was well past 11PM by the time I got home.


Here are my pictures from that final day…

Exploring Lulea: Icebreakers and Mythology

The latest post in my series about my holiday in Sweden.


Welcome to the next installment in my series of posts about my recent holiday in Sweden. This post is a bit different from others in this series so far in that it does not focus only where I was and what I was doing.


Some of you will recall that the last picture in my previous post was this:

The subjects of this picture will also be the subjects of my next post in this series.

At that stage, although some of the names painted on the sides of these ships were familiar to me I did not realise what type of ship they were, but enlightenment was not long away, indeed it came just after I had taken these two pictures…


Right near the covered bridge pictured above I across this:

The whole information board

The map

The text

This of course was the cue, now that I knew what they were to take some more pictures of the ships, from a better position:


The names are taken from…


Ironically given that we are talking ships, the Norse god of the sea, Njord, does not feature. Frej, referred to in English as Frey or Freyr is a harvest god, and also the son of the aforementioned Njord. Ymer, sometimes spelled Ymir, was the first of the frost giants, formed from the crystallization of droplets of molten ice in the heart of the primeval emptiness Ginnunga Gap, where ice from frozen Nifelheim in the North met Fire from Muspellheim in the South. Atle and Ale are both unknown to me, even though I am well read on Norse Mythology. People wishing to acquaint themselves further with these stories could start with Kevin Crossley-Holland’s compilation of Norse Myths. That book is just one of many mythology books that I own (I am unapologetic in placing the King James Bible in the category).

Although I have no more belief in the gods and giants of Norse mythology than I do in any ancient superstitions, I do quite enjoy the stories and I enjoyed seeing the names commemorated in these ice-breakers.


These icebreakers were not by any means the only camera worthy things I saw in this section of my exploration of Lulea…


This floral display was on the way back towards the train station as I headed to see what was on the other side of the tracks.


Adverts and Imaging


The title section of this post refers to today’s activites at James and Sons, but I also have some important links and quality infographics to share. On the subject of sharing, I hope that some of you are encouraged to share this post.


Today was productive, but not as productive as it might have been due to the fact that my efforts on the imaging front were interrupted by the need to send a couple of very basic adverts to the Diss Express and the Bury Free Press respectively about collector’s fair. A copy of one of the ads is below and I will provide links to the original word documents for both…




A wide range of coins, stamps, postcards,
banknotes, militaria etc. for sale.


Please ask for David James

Tel: 01328 855003      Email:

Collectors Fair Diss CF


The imaging workload was nicely varied, featuring most kinds of item we sell save for militaria…


The coin lots I choose to share come in the form of high resolution scans…

52 68b 68a 68 67b 67a 67 60b 60a 60 57b 57a 57 56b 56a 56 53b 53a 53 52b 52a


The stamps were all in albums and hence required the use of the camera…

403 403a 403b 403c 405 405a


These items were also done with the camera, and apart from a few football programs I will sharing the full range. The items categorised as toys are actually as you will see collector’s models – not intended to be played with…

12 13 14 50 50a

This gazeteer is not in great nick but then it is over 250 years old
This gazeteer is not in great nick but then it is over 250 years old

348a 348b 348c
350 351 351a 352 354 354b 355 355a 356 356a


To end the section on today at work, some more scans, this time of postcards…

421 423 424 413 416


I do not have as many links as sometimes, but they are all very important, starting with…


This is a story about a self-indulgent rich bastard (I make no apologies for the strong language – I do not often resort to it) from Minnesota named Walter James Palmer and an African icon. The circumstances of this particular piece of “trophy hunting” – Mr Palmer apparently has a long history of such activities – have generated it vast international publicity. The lion was decoyed out of the protected area in which it lived by bait, shot with a crossbow and ultimately finished off with a rifle – all so a rich American could indulge his perverted sense of fun. I have two links for further information about the story:

1)This from avaaz

2)And this article in a newspaper not often cited by this blog – The Telegraph.


The campaign to prevent “Roosh V” from being allowed into Canada continues to gather momentum – here is the latest news.


Just a single link here, to the Voting Reform Declaration.


Two excellent pieces from the ever reliable Mike Sivier today, both on the subject of disability:

1)This one about the assessment system as orchestrated by the vile American company Unum.

2)This horror story about a case of discrimination by association – sacked for being a family member of a disabled person.


Autism Mom is a long standing supporter of this blog, and it was from her blog that I located the details of pucksandpuzzlepieces whose most recent post features tackling an assault course!


My first infographic comes with a link this article on Discover

Lizard Family Tree

Next, a return to the Telegraph – unlike the story which I am told was big and bold this correction was tiny and in the bottom corner of a page, so I am giving it a bit of extra exposure!

Torygraph exposed

Finally to end this post two excellent infographics relating to the Conservative Party…

Tory Bastards selfservativespuc

The Hanse Festival


For those who do not know the form with this blog, I will start with the bit that gives the post it’s title, I will also be sharing some good links and as part of the post there will be pictures…


I did not get to see much of the Hanse festival because of being busy with stuff for the Great Centenary Charity Auction, of which more in later posts. However, I got a few good pictures, and got to take part in a community breakfast outside the guildhall.

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The first of many pictures featuring the Kamper Kogge or aspects thereof.
The first of many pictures featuring the Kamper Kogge or aspects thereof.

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There was a very enjoyable concert in King’s Lynn Minster, featuring music from composers with Hanseatic associations (Handel, Telemann, Bach etc). As part of this, the group playing the music had been working with children at Whitefriars School, and had developed the catch line “Crazy composers making music for you and me” which added an extra element to the festivities. Here are some more photographs…

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Just a few links today. First of all, following on from a piece about a music performance, here is something from Charlotte Hoather. Having devoted this post to a community celebration, the Hanse Festival, here is a piece from a community coming together in the effort to save their library, the folk of Hale, Greater Manchester. The Independent occasionally provides good stuff, and this piece about cavemen and gender equality is an example. Last and in the chief place is a link to a wonderful open letter to Katie Hopkins written by Kevin Healey.


I hope to have all enjoyed this, and that you wlll share either the whole post or this bits that you have particularly enjoyed. My final remark comes in pictorial form:


The Inner Mani

The Inner Mani’s particular version of the very traditional Greek habits of feud and vendetta led to the building by anyone who could of fortified tower houses. They were defending themselves against each other, much like the border reavers of Northumberland with their bastles. As usual, I have plenty of pictures for you…

This spectacular rock formation is known as the Frying Pan.
This spectacular rock formation is known as the Frying Pan.

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No this is not a ruined amphitheatre - folk were desperate enough to cultivate this.
No this is not a ruined amphitheatre – folk were desperate enough to cultivate this.

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Walking to the end of mainland Greece – Cape Tainaros

In ancient times this was home to a temple and death oracle of Poseidon (the ruins of which can still be seen), and was a notorious spot for ship wrecks. At least one reasonably eminent Roman had a villa here as there are some old mosaics left from his tenure. The end of the Greek mainland is signalled by lighthouse, which is moderately attractive. Being in the driest most arid part of mainland Greece, the path is as one would expect bare and rocky, but I was able to walk it in beefed up flip flops.

This region also contains my nomination for the most desperate attempt at cultivation I have yet to see evidence of – indescribable, so wait for the photo…

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This delicate flower grows in the roughest conditions imaginable.
This delicate flower grows in the roughest conditions imaginable.

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My first sight of the lighthouse.
My first sight of the lighthouse.

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Making use of the one resource they have in abundance.
Making use of the one resource they have in abundance.

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This mosaic is spectacular.
This mosaic is spectacular.

?????????? ?????????? ??????????

A cornucopia of photos

Havnig not done a personal post since Wednesday I have many wonderful photos to share with you and am now doing so…


WW1 being commemorated in The Forum, Norwich
WW1 being commemorated in The Forum, Norwich

?????????? ??????????

Ferries of various kinds have worked this route across the Great Ouse for over 800 years
Ferries of various kinds have worked this route across the Great Ouse for over 800 years


Eaglet under way.
Eaglet under way.

?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????

West Lynn Church
West Lynn Church
The ship that I saw going past from my balcony a few days ago, this time from the river bank
The ship that I saw going past from my balcony a few days ago, this time from the river bank


The catholic church has its own war memorial
The catholic church has its own war memorial