The Northwest Norfolk Hustings

An account of last night’s Northwest Norfolk hustings meeting which I was bale to follow courtesy of the Lynn News live blog (to which I have linked in this piece), and my usual sign off.


This event took place last night at the Methodist Chapel on London Road, King’s Lynn. I found out about it too late to attend the venue in person, but through the good offices of The Lynn News, who organized the event, I was able to follow it via a live blog, with extra detail from the twitter feed of Northwest Norfolk Labour’s Jordan Stokes. This post looks back at the event before and at what it means for this seat.


There were five people on the platform: Rob Colwell (Liberal Democrat), Michael De Whalley (Green), Jo Rust (Labour), James Wild (Conservative) and Allister Webb (The Lynn News, moderator but not contributor – BBC panel shows/ interviews please take note of the but in bold).


Each candidate had two minutes to introduce themselves, and three of the four managed this feat without any missteps. The exception was James ‘parachute candidate’ Wild whose hamfisted effort suggested that he had learned all the wrong things in his time as advisor to Mr Johnson.


The main event was divided into sections in which various issues were raised, with questions coming from members of the audience. Rob Colwell and Michael De Whalley both gave good honest answers throughout, with Michael demonstrating why he is a well respected local Councillor. However, at every point they were equalled or bettered by Jo Rust, who made some outstanding contributions. James Wild did little to help himself during the course of the evening. Near the end he was asked if he planned to move to the area, and at least managed to get that one right, when he said “yes, if I am elected”. Any other answer would have increased the damage he had sustained on the evening – a straight yes without amplification would have sounded arrogant, as though he believed that it was already in the bag, while a a ‘no’, no matter what it was accompanied by, would have holed his campaign below the waterline.


The only chance of getting a non-Tory MP in this constituency is to vote for Jo Rust, and my reckoning is that she gave her chances a big boost last night. Mr Wild had a poor time, and that should also work in Jo’s favour. I respect Michael De Whalley, and but for the continuing use of the outmoded FPTP system I would be voting for his party, and he was undoubtedly impressive last night. Rob Colwell said a lot of the right things last night but his party stand no chance in this constituency and have not been distinguishing themselves of late. Had Sir Henry been standing for re-election it would have been a seismic shock for this seat to go to Jo Rust, but, especially after last night, I reckon she has a genuine chance of beating James Wild. An account of last night can be seen here, and you can relive (to an extent) the live blog experience here.


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Press Release Success

A brief account of the genesis and development of a Lynn News article advertising James and Sons’ upcoming auctions.


This post tells the story of the development of an article that appeared in today’s Lynn News about James and Sons upcoming Militaria auctions.


I created a document for emailing out to potential militaria buyers, using lot 11 as the main image (at that time I envisaged that lot being on the front cover), but also including an image of lot 50, which I realised was an interesting item. On the advice of my employer I used the exact same document as a press release, though for this purpose I attached the original word document, a jpg thereof and full image galleries of both featured lots. Thus those receiving the press release saw all of the following:

AUCTION REMINDER MILITARIAMilitaria Email1111-i11-h11-g11-f11-e11-d11-c11-b11-a5050-a50-b50-c50-d

Not long after I had sent this press release came a response from Julie Graham of the Lynn News, whose eye had been taken by the Agincourt bas-relief. She requested some additional information which I supplied and indicated that an article in the business section of the issue for Friday July 20 would be forthcoming. For obvious reasons the Agincourt piece also became the front cover item on the printed catalogue. The article duly appeared as promised this morning:

Agincourt Article

You can find out more about James and Sons from the company website, and online catalogues for our upcoming auctions can be accessed from there, or on the following links below:

Some Autism Coverage in the Lynn News

A grateful acknowledgement to the Lynn News for their coverage of the Autism Awareness Cup accompanied by a minor ethical quibble and also some images from today at work.


At the end of this post I will be sharing some images from work today, but it is mainly about the Lynn News (and, one ethical quibble aside, positive about them).


On Sunday the inaugural Autism Awareness Cup took place on the astroturf at Lynnsport, and on Monday I produced this blog post about the event:

Before creating the blog post I had also created a facebook photo album about the event.

Having published the blog post I then produced this email:

AAC Email

For clarification of the intended recipients, here is a second image…

AAC Email

Today the Lynn News produced the following:


You will note that save for the misplaced while between cup winners and Holland every word of this article appears in my blog post. While I thank the Lynn News unreseverdly for printing a story about this event, which will be the first of many, I would have been even more grateful had there been some acknowledgement, and maybe a mention of my blog.



A Dull Grey Saturday


As well as my title piece and accompanying photographs I have some cracking links to share with you.


In a classic application of Murphy’s Law today is dull and grey, immediately following several bright sunny work days. Not that unappealing weather meant that there was nothing to photograph – after being dry for some time the fountain in The Walks had water in it and was functioning as it should…


Just beyond that was a “Trivial Pursuit” type arrangement of flower beds, one half of which I captured for posterity…


The squirrels were not in the least deterred by filthy grey skies either…

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The ducks and moorhens were enjoying the waters of the upper Millfleet as it flows through the parkland…

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The younger generation were also in evidence out on the water…


Arriving at the river bank by way of Hardings Pits I took a shot looking towards the town…


Walking past the anti-flood wall near old Boal Quay I was gratified to spot this blackbird at quite close quarters…


My last shot was taken at the jetty now in its second summer of service, and hosting a single boat today…




I found this shocking story of institutionalized abuse (I can call it nothing else), by way of twitter and I have already made contact with the author and subject of the story, Jennifer Msumba who posted it on her blog Here is an infographic for you…


My second autism related link concerns Kevin Healey of the National Autistic Society and his continuing effort to get twitter to protect him properly. That perennial source of fine material Huffington Post is running an article by him about cyber-bullying. For some time, Kevin has been running a petition via change,org to put pressure on twitter to do the right thing.


The petition calling on Playmobil to produce toys that show disabled people in a positive light has succeeded in persuading them, after gaining more than 50,000 signatures. As well as celebrating, the organisers are using this as a springboard for tackling their next target, Lego. To view, sign and share this new petition please follow this link.


A couple of crackers in this mini-section:

1)Dan Keeling on how the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.

2)This gem from kittysjones.


The dailyinspirationblog have come up trumps with this piece about Aristotle.

Patheos, who feature regularly in the links section of this blog, are here again, this time with a report on a particularly egregious piece of legislation which will cause the adoption rate in the state of Michigan to plummet.

My next link to share comes courtesy of thepoorsideoflife and concerns new targets for DWP compliance interviews.

My next and penultimate link is to a piece from handandmouse which combines slamming George Osborne with arguing cogently for Jeremy Corbyn to be on the ballot paper for the Labour leadership election.

To end this section here is a link to a piece in the Lynn News about how the town will be celebrating the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.



I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and will be inspired to share it.


Here are a few random pics that I choose to share…

Window display at the Salvation Army shop in Fakenham.
Window display at the Salvation Army shop in Fakenham.
A close up of one the pieces featured in the first picture.
A close up of one the pieces featured in the first picture.


More from the Salvation Army shop.
More from the Salvation Army shop.

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Detail from the Majestic Cinema, King's Lynn
Detail from the Majestic Cinema, King’s Lynn

Amazing Autumn Auction

Actually given the weather that title is a trifle optimistic! Nevertheless, the October auction of James and Sons was a MASSIVE success. There will be press releases in the near future about Hornby train sets, stamps and militaria to name but three successful areas. Also look out for related posts on my personal twitter account. The single most astonishing story from the auction concerns a box of loose penny red-browns, with may be a few penny rose reds in there as well, which started at £30 and ended up fetching a cool £350!

I do have some photos for you, but because my good camera is at the repair shop they were taken with my old camera and are therefore not as good as they would be had I been using my camera of choice…

A scene from the walk from Fakenham town centre to the racecourse.
A scene from the walk from Fakenham town centre to the racecourse.
The Prince of Wales Suite, Fakenham Racecourse, all set for auction action!
The Prince of Wales Suite, Fakenham Racecourse, all set for auction action!
This pair of U-Boat binoculars went for a mere £3,000
This pair of U-Boat binoculars went for a mere £3,000
The tax discs had some advance publicity in the Lynn News.
The tax discs had some advance publicity in the Lynn News.
This cake stand sold.
This cake stand sold.
The Fitzroy Barometer was a rare disappointment on a very successful day.
The Fitzroy Barometer was a rare disappointment on a very successful day.
In spite of being carefully presented by yours truly most of these suffered the usual fate of books of auction.
In spite of being carefully presented by yours truly most of these suffered the usual fate of books of auction.
The banner, behind the rostrum.
The banner, behind the rostrum.
The view out of the window.
The view out of the window.
The Hornby stuff was a monster success!
The Hornby stuff was a monster success!

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This lot sold reaasonably well, and just sneaking into shot is the Connaught Rangers helmet which sold for £160
This lot sold reaasonably well, and just sneaking into shot is the Connaught Rangers helmet which sold for £160
This is not an auction lot - it is marble pestle and mortar bought in Dimitsana and now in residence in my kitchen.
This is not an auction lot – it is marble pestle and mortar bought in Dimitsana and now in residence in my kitchen.